Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España



Palabras clave:

Desigualdad social, países de industrialización tardía, movilidad social, estratificación social, análisis comparativo


El foco de este trabajo es un primer paso en el análisis comparativo de la movilidad social (de clase) intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Nuestro objetivo es determinar en qué medida estos dos casos, como países industrializados tardíos, comparten características similares de movilidad social. Dos preguntas centrales guían nuestro trabajo: 1) ¿Cuáles son los cambios globales en las tasas de movilidad absoluta entre Argentina y España? 2) ¿Cuál ha sido la evolución temporal comparativa de la fuerza de la asociación de clase? Utilizamos como guía dos hipótesis de trabajo: 1) Dados los cambios intergeneracionales en los movimientos laborales de las zonas rurales a las urbanas, más el crecimiento de la clase de servicio, esperamos encontrar un alto grado de movilidad absoluta en ambos países; y 2) siguiendo la literatura internacional, más bien esperamos encontrar una asociación neta estable -controlando los cambios estructurales- de los orígenes y destinos de clase en las cohortes de nacimiento de los varones y variaciones en el caso de las mujeres. 

Biografía del autor/a

Sandra Fachelli , Universidad Pablo de Olavide y Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

is Postdoctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Diploma of Advanced Studies in Sociology, Master in Introduction to Research in Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and Master’s in Design and Management of Policies and Social Programs (FLACSO Argentina). She has a BA degree in sociology from the University of Argentina John F. Kennedy. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, and researcher in the Education and Work Research Group (GRET) of the UAB. She has been member of the Academic Commission and task manager between 2016 and 2019 of the European INCASI Project «International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities» RISE-Horizon 2020, which brought together ten European and ten Latin American universities. She is teaching coordinator and professor of the Master’s Programme in Applied Social Research Techniques (TISA). She is president of the Research Committee 06 "Inequalities and Social Stratification" of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. Principal researcher of the Spanish DINAMOS project (Intergenerational social mobility: education as explanatory mechanism, 2020-23). Recent publication with Pedro López-Roldán: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality between Europe and Latin America, Springer, 2021. Her main lines of research are inequality, stratification and social mobility, higher education and employment.

Jorge Raúl Jorrat , Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET

is Ph. D. in Sociology, Michigan State University. Senior Researcher (CONICET) was professor at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Director of the Centro de Estudios de Opinión Pública at Instituto Gino Germani (University of Buenos Aires). Is member for Argentina of the International Social Survey Program. His research interests lie in social stratification and mobility, electoral studies, and survey research. Among his books, he published Exploraciones sobre estructura social de la Argentina (1992; edited with Ruth Sautu), Estratificación social y movilidad. Un estudio del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (2000), and Escalas de prestigio y de status socioeconómico de las ocupaciones (2004, with Luis R. Acosta). Also, he is co-author (with Darío Canton) of a historical-electoral trilogy on Elecciones en la ciudad (2001, 2005 and 2008). His more recent book is “De tal padre … ¿tal hijo?” Estudios sobre Movilidad Social en Argentina (2016). He has also published several articles in academic journals.

Pedro López-Roldán , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

has a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB); advanced degree in Mathématiques, Informatique  et Applications aux Sciences de l’Homme (with option Statistique et Modélisation dans les Sciences Sociales), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris; and Ph.D. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, UAB. He is associate professor,Department of Sociology (UAB); researcher at the Sociological Research Center on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT), Institute for Labour Studies (IET), UAB; Coordinator of the Master in Applied Social Research Methods (TISA) from 2003. He has been the general coordinator between 2016 and 2019 of the European INCASI Project «International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities» RISE-Horizon 2020, which brought together ten European and ten Latin American universities. He is president of the Research Committee 41 "Comparative Sociology between Europe and Latin America" of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. Principal researcher of the Spanish DINAMOS project (Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories, 2020-23). Recent publication with Sandra Fachelli: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality between Europe and Latin America, Springer, 2021. His main lines of research are (1) social research methods: multivariate data analysis, typological construction, and mixed methods, and (2) sociology of labour and social inequalities: labour market segmentation, gender and immigration; labour trajectories; stratification and social mobility; and comparative sociology between Europe and Latin America. Personal web:


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Cómo citar

Fachelli, S., Jorrat, J. R., & López-Roldán, P. (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.