Teachers' Digital Competences in the context of COVID-19. A quantitative approach
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personal académico docente
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enseñanza pública Public education
Teacher qualifications
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Vásquez Peñafiel, M.-S., Nuñez, P. ., & Cuestas Caza, J. (2023). Teachers’ Digital Competences in the context of COVID-19. A quantitative approach: [Teachers’ Digital Competences in the context of COVID-19. A quantitative approach]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 67, 155–185. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.98129


Now that the worst moments of the Covid-19 pandemic are over, it is useful to analyse in detail whether teachers in this context were prepared to guarantee the quality of virtual education and what their level of digital competences (DSC) was like. In this way, it will be possible to propose improvements in this aspect in the technological society in which we live. This research aims to describe the TDC in a specific context, such as an Ecuadorian public university, and the correlation between TDC, age, gender, and experience. The research had a non-experimental quantitative descriptive and correlational approach. The sample was taken from 92 educators through a nonparametric sampling questionnaire. The correlation and descriptive analysis show significant differences between the variables. The research outcomes demonstrated that teachers' self-perception regarding TDC is expert level. The relation between TDC and age is inversely proportional, as more age, less TDC level. The same occurs with experience. Furthermore, TDC and gender didn't show a difference descriptively, but they did correlational. Future work is suggested to explain this phenomenon through Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Finally, it is to say that teachers have been concerned about managing digital tools, however, they still have to keep developing to achieve a transformational level.

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