Cloud Computing and Open Source Software for European Rural Schools
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Métricas alternativas


Innovación educativa
Tecnología Educativa
Sistemas escolares rurales
Métodos de aprendizaje
Competencia digital Educational innovation
educational technology
Rural school system
Learning methods
Digital competence

How to Cite

Malmierca, M. J. R., Fernandez Morante, M. del C., López, B. C., & León, F. M. (2022). Cloud Computing and Open Source Software for European Rural Schools: Computación en la Nube y Software Abierto para la Escuela Rural Europea. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 64, 105–137.


Cloud computing technology offers great possibilities in contexts with infrastructural difficulties and can provide a bridge to help overcome the existing gap in European rural schools due to their lack of resources, isolation, infrastructural limitations and technological support. The purpose of this study was to design, implement and evaluate an environment for flexible teaching and collaboration in rural schools in Europe based on cloud computing technology and was carried out in the framework of a European research project (RuralSchoolCloud). For this purpose, a design-based research (DBR) was conducted in 14 rural schools in five European countries (Denmark, Spain, UK, Italy, Greece). The study sample consisted of a total of 560 students and 72 teachers of kindergarten, primary and compulsory secondary education who answered the "Questionnaire for the analysis of the cloud computing RSC educational environment". Overall, the results show that the RSC educational environment proved to be a powerful tool to provide a functional and usable technical educational resource for EU rural schools, allowing temporal and spatial flexibility in teacher and student interactions, and providing a tool adapted to the different characteristics, needs and interests of rural schools.
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