To evaluate the use of social reading networks in literary education in formal and informal contexts. Design and validation of the RESOLEC tool
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redes sociales
aprendizaje informal
web Social networking
informal learning

How to Cite

Hernández Heras, L., Muela Bermejo, D., & Tabernero Sala, R. (2022). To evaluate the use of social reading networks in literary education in formal and informal contexts. Design and validation of the RESOLEC tool: [Evaluar el uso de las redes sociales de lectura en la educación literaria en contextos formales e informales. Diseño y validación de la herramienta RESOLEC]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 64, 139–164.


With the emergence of social reading networks, users can interact among peers around the same affinity, turning the lesson into a social practice dominated by participatory culture. Given the unstoppable attention that these platforms are receiving, the RESOLEC tool has been designed and validated. The aim of this tool is to offer Secondary and Baccalaureate teachers a validated instrument that allows them to evaluate the capacity of these networks to promote informal learning and literary education, so that they can incorporate them into their teaching practice. To create the battery of indicators, we have based ourselves on the Activity Theory and the paradigm of literary education. In order to validate it, we undertook an expert judge test and a pilot test with a random sample of 10 social networks. A total of 52 items, grouped into two scales of 3 and 4 dimensions respectively, make up the final instrument.
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