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Métricas alternativas


Flipped Learning
learning analytics
active methodologies Flipped Learning
analítica del aprendizaje
metodologías activas

How to Cite

Palau, R., & Fornons, V. (2022). Español: [Flipped Learning and its learning times distribution: An experience in secondary education]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 64, 235–264.


The Flipped Learning (FL) model transfers certain learning processes outside of the classroom and uses class time to engage in active learning with students. The objective of this research is, on the one hand, to quantify the time that students spend on activities, discriminating which are active and passive learning, in class or at home. And on the other, to compare its variation with respect to the use of the FL or a traditional pedagogical model. The methodology used in the research has been quantitative with a quasi-experimental design with a control group and an experimental group. The data was obtained by recording the time spent on active and passive learning activities in class by the teacher and at home by the students, in each of the two groups. The results of the study indicate that the use of FL causes an increase of 155.25% in the class time dedicated to active learning activities; and that students dedicate 35.30% more time to academic activities at home compared to using a traditional pedagogical model.concise summary of 150-200 words is required.
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