Gamification as a methodological strategy at the University. The case of BugaMAP: students' perceptions and evaluations
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Métricas alternativas



estudio de caso
juego educativo
método de aprendizaje
tecnologías de la información case study
educational game
active method
information technologies

How to Cite

González-Limón, M., Rodríguez-Ramos, A., & Padilla-Carmona, M. T. (2021). Gamification as a methodological strategy at the University. The case of BugaMAP: students’ perceptions and evaluations: [Gamification as a methodological strategy at the University. The case of BugaMAP: students’ perceptions and evaluations]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 63, 293–324.


This study presents the results of the evaluation of a gamification experience with the business simulation game Business Game MAPFRE (BugaMAP), in the field of Social Sciences. The aims of the study are: 1) to find out, through the student's opinion, whether gamification is an ideal tool for teaching-learning at the university; 2) to assess the degree of student satisfaction with gamification and to find out their perception with regard to the fulfilment of the objectives initially set out. A questionnaire was applied and information was collected from a total of 144 students. The evidence in favour of the face validity of the instrument and its reliability was analysed, and different descriptive and contrast analyses were carried out. The results indicate that the students who participated in the experience value very positively the contributions of the game to their learning, consider that it allowed them to develop soft and teamwork competences, and show high levels of satisfaction. The conclusions confirm the interest of game-based learning as an effective teaching tool at university level.
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