Institutions and educators are massively and uncritically integrating digital curricular materials in their teaching praxis. This article aims to uncover whether health and fitness APP images convey or legitimize stereotypes linked to bodies, focusing on gender, race, somatotype and physical activity practice. We also analyse whether these apps are adequate for the recommended age or whether they are designed by physical education professionals. For that purpose, we designed a descriptive, comparative study based on content analysis on a sample of 373 images from 128 apps selected through a PRISMA review and a pilot test. Our results report that bodies reproduce a series of stereotypes: of gender, age, race or linked to physical activity. A further conclusion is that the reviewed apps are not designed by specialist professionals or institutions. This article can orient and raise awareness among the educational community on how gender biases, sociocultural elements, values, and stereotypes are legitimized by the digital tools that we currently use in our classrooms
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