Digital Teaching Competence of Galician Vocational Training Teachers
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Competencia digital docente, Formación Profesional, Formación del Profesorado, Profesorado, TIC. Teacher digital competence, Vocaciontal Education and Training, Teacher training, Teachers, ICT.

How to Cite

Casal Otero, L., Barreira Cerqueiras, E. M., Mariño Fernández, R., & García Antelo, B. (2021). Digital Teaching Competence of Galician Vocational Training Teachers: [Competencia Digital Docente del profesorado de FP de Galicia]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 61, 165–196.


The digital competence of teachers is essential to optimise teaching processes, facilitate learning and encourage the digital competence of students. This study reports the level of teaching digital competence of Vocational Training (VT) teachers in Galicia, their attitude towards ICT and the influence of the gender variable on this competence. The sample is made up of 249 teachers from 22 professional families. A quantitative methodology is used, of an exploratory-descriptive, non-experimental nature. For the collection of information, the questionnaire "DigCompEdu Check-In (Cabero-Almenara & Palacios-Rodríguez, 2020) was adapted. The results show that vocational training teachers in Galicia are at an average level of competence (integrator and expert), have a favourable attitude and gender is an influential factor in the level of digital competence in vocational training. The prospective of this research is to promote a review of the initial and continuous training curricula of vocational training teachers in order to advance in the achievement of digital teaching competence.
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