The interrelationships between Instagram use, self-control, self-esteem, technological stress and academic performance in adolescents were explored. A quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental design with correlational-exploratory approach was conducted. A total of 158 high school students participated through snowball sampling. Correlation tests and structural equation models were used to analyze the data. The main results were: a) the frequency of use of social networks was associated with worse academic performance, self-esteem and expectations of improvement; b) technological stress and the use of Instagram were linked to lower self-esteem; c) wanting to dedicate more time to study was related to expecting better grades; d) reducing time online made one think of increased academic performance; d) when self-control was considered as an intermediate factor, it was observed that it did have an impact on the relationship between Instagram and self-esteem. In conclusion, although using Instagram and having good self-control do not seem to be directly related to self-esteem on their own, the ability to control oneself when using Instagram does influence how we feel about ourselves, which should be taken into account in future socio-educational interventions.
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