Millennials vs Centennials: Different Ways of Learning? (Millennials vs Centennials: ¿diferentes formas de aprender?)
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Métricas alternativas


Patrones de aprendizaje
Diferencias generacionales
Educación superior
Centennials Learning patterns
Generational differences
Higher education

How to Cite

Sánchez-Caballé, A., Cela-Ranilla, J., & Esteve-Mon, F. (2024). Millennials vs Centennials: Different Ways of Learning? (Millennials vs Centennials: ¿diferentes formas de aprender?). Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 70, 181–193.


The present work constitutes a thorough comparative analysis focused on the learning patterns adopted by two distinct generations of students: Millennials and Centennials. The concept of "learning patterns" centers around the organization that individuals employ to access knowledge and address both academic and everyday tasks. The research involved the participation of 315 university students in the field of education, who underwent analysis using the non-parametric U Mann-Whitney test.

The obtained results reveal significant differences between both generations. Specifically, Millennials show a greater inclination towards the search and possession of detailed information, contrasting with Centennials, who statistically present higher values when using patterns associated with autonomous work. This disparity suggests that over the past fifteen years, students have forged different learning approaches, likely influenced by various factors such as technological advances, changes in the educational model, and situations arising from the pandemic.

This phenomenon raises the pressing need to reflect on the social reality experienced in recent years and how teaching practices must adapt to these changes. This study contributes to understanding these changes and provides a solid foundation for pedagogical decision-making in the current context.
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PDF (English) (Español (España))


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