Effects of augmented and virtual reality on students with ASD (Efectos de la realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA (Efectos de la realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA)
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López-Belmonte, J., Dúo-Terrón, P., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., & Marín-Marín, J.-A. (2024). Effects of augmented and virtual reality on students with ASD (Efectos de la realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA (Efectos de la realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA). Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 70, 7–23. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.103789


The general objective of this research is to verify the impact of an intervention on students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from two different perspectives, traditional and innovative with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). It is a quantitative research study with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design in the same group of subjects. Two types of variables were established, the training action deployed (traditional and AR-VR approach) and the effect caused in various dimensions presented (motivation, attention, communication, autonomy and learning outcomes). The sample consisted of 23 people with ASD, with an average age of 10.52 years.  It is concluded that the design and adaptation of technologies to the individual needs of students with ASD are important. Comorbidity may affect learning outcomes in traditional approaches, but not in innovative ones. Appropriate and balanced use of AR and VR can maximise benefits and minimise potential negative effects for students with ASD.

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