Spanish Open and Inclusive Technologies in the Complexity of the Future of Education: Designing a Research-Based Model [Tecnologías abiertas e inclusivas en la complejidad del futuro de la educación: diseño de modelo basado en investigación]
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innovación educativa
educación superior
educación abierta
pensamiento complejo Complex thinking
educational innovation
higher education
open education

How to Cite

Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., Alvarez-Icaza, I., & Casillas-Muñoz, F. A. G. (2024). Spanish Open and Inclusive Technologies in the Complexity of the Future of Education: Designing a Research-Based Model [Tecnologías abiertas e inclusivas en la complejidad del futuro de la educación: diseño de modelo basado en investigación]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal.


Changing environments pose challenges for education and, in particular, for the educational inclusion of people with hearing and visual impairments. How can open education and digital and flexible technologies provide avenues for inclusion in the context of complexity?  The aim of the study was to analyse possibilities for open education and technologies by identifying current practices, challenges and possibilities, with a view to proposing an inclusive and open model in the framework of complexity for the future of education. The method was research-based design, where questionnaires were administered to 390 participants in the context of an open and inclusive education programme. The data analysis accounts for (a) current practices such as e-books, training courses and sign language; (b) identification of the challenges of quality open educational resources (OER), policies to support inclusion and diversity, and OER sustainability models, to develop accessible and open digital materials; and (c) the components of an open educational model for inclusion that considers strategic elements for the future of education and emerging and innovative technologies. The study is intended to be of value to teachers, trainers, developers, decision-makers, interested in new possibilities for open and inclusive education.
PDF (Español) (Español (España))
PDF (English) (Español (España))


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