The growing impact of video games in recent decades has aroused considerable scientific interest in education. The aim of this article is to analyse profiles of problematic video game use and their influence on academic performance and decision-making processes. A total of 665 students from 9 Spanish universities, aged between 18 and 58 years, were included. A univariate analysis of variance ANOVA was performed to analyse possible differences between students who play video games and those who do not, according to academic performance and decision-making factors. In addition, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed with the factors of the video game experience questionnaire and a univariate analysis of variance with the profiles according to academic performance and decision-making factors. The results showed that students who did not play video games performed better academically than gamers. Three profiles were observed with respect to video game use: high problematic video game use, moderate problematic video game use and low problematic video game use. Significant differences were noted in terms of academic performance and the decision-making process; these results show that the higher the problematic use, the lower the academic performance and the higher the inadequate pattern in the decision-making process.
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