Study of the pH and electrical conductivity of the waters of the Eria River as a function of the fluvial regime and the influence of its tributaries (NW of Spain)


  • Rodrigo Andrés-Bercianos Parque Tecnológico de León
  • Javier Fernández-Lozano Dpto. de Tecnología Minera, Topográfica y de Estructuras, Universidad de León.



pH, fluvial regime, surface water, Eria River, conductivity


The study of two basic physicochemical parameters (i.e. pH and conductivity), based on in situ sampling in four fluvial regime assumptions, has provided some guiding patterns for monitoring the waters of the Eria River. Likewise, the influence of four tributaries on the physicochemical behavior of the main river has been evaluated, depending on the values associated with each fluvial regime, the presence of livestock activity or the nature of the substrate. The results obtained will allow comparisons to be made with potential future effects and their possible associated influence (e.g. spills, wildfires, etc.).


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How to Cite

Andrés-Bercianos, R., & Fernández-Lozano, J. (2022). Study of the pH and electrical conductivity of the waters of the Eria River as a function of the fluvial regime and the influence of its tributaries (NW of Spain). GEOGACETA, 72, 11–14.




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