Leisure time shared as a family: a socio-educational interpretation of the Galician situation
cultural leisure, free time, sporting leisure, leisure, family lifeAbstract
The fast-paced world in which we live today makes it increasingly difficult for par¬ents to organise the day-to-day lives of their children. Work and family-related commitments dominate daily routines and make it increasingly difficult to find time for other aspects that are essential for our well-being and development, such as leisure. This lack of time determines the rhythms of the daily lives of children who routinely find it difficult to share recreational ex¬periences with their parents, as family leisure time is often relegated to second place. In view of this situation, this article has the following aims: a) to find out how Galician families with children in primary school organise their leisure time in terms of artistic/cultural and physical/ sporting activities; and b) to examine how parents’ educational level and income influence this leisure time. We used a quantitative research methodology consisting of an ad hoc ques¬tionnaire for the collection of data, from which a total of 2,037 valid responses were obtained. The results show that Galician parents tend to share responsibility for leisure experiences with their children, but when examining the role of the mother and father in isolation, there are notable differences in their roles, especially with respect to the type of leisure activity carried out. In terms of conclusions, we can confirm that parents generally prefer to share leisure activities with their children, but when the role of the parents is analysed in isolation, inequalities are detected in terms of gender, with mothers being more actively involved. The study also shows that there are inequalities in terms of the income and educational level of the parents. It is necessary to develop socio-educational policies for the promotion of shared leisure regardless of gender and socio-economic factorsDownloads
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