Early childhood educator training as a service to society
Early childhood education, teacher education, program evaluation, teaching programme, evaluative research, documentary analysis, research techniqueAbstract
This paper presents a small portion of a research project conducted at Chile’s Bernardo O’Higgins University (UBO), which aspires to recognition as a national pacesetter in the education of outstanding graduates and professionals. The general objective of the research is to do society a service by assessing the UBO’s early childhood education degree programme (major in first-year primary school teaching) and to verify the consistency between what the system requires for the development of teachers at that level and what actually gets implemented. This is a response to the problem: Is there consistency in the Teacher Training Program for Toddler and educational Project presented by the UBO?
A conceptual approach is taken to education research and the models for evaluating educational programmes. Stufflebeam’s CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product) model (1987) is chosen, and the structure indicated by Pérez Juste (1995 and 2000) is followed at three points:
1) the programme in itself: the programme’s intrinsic quality, its context fit and its output situation
2) the programme in its implementation: programme execution and framework of programme implementation;
3) the programme in its results: measurement and achievements, assessment and continuity.
Each of the points is organized in terms of dimensions and their respective indicators. Instruments are created for measuring the different stages leading to the programme’s final evaluation. To choose the sample, the populations between 2009 and 2011 are identified. To study the data, the different levels of teacher education are regarded, considering the programme’s documentary source material and the empirical source material represented by students and faculty.
Leading among the instruments used are a matrix of benchmarks for the early childhood educator programme and documentary analysis of the programme’s content and psycho-scientific foundations; guidelines for interviewing the department director and faculty; and opinion surveys administered to students, managers and faculty. The following sources are used: official records, documentary records, faculty, students and the department director promotions mentioned Training Program Toddler Educator with a major in NB1, of the same university. Between the results obtained of the study they can be mentioned the following: orientations, policies and requirements are present in the UBO’s educational model; no relationship exists between the goals stated in the official degree documents and curricular management in terms of leadership and action execution, or in the elements of consistency, interaction and action sequencing to ensure goal attainment; there is no clarity (from the standpoint of students and faculty) in levels of achievement, because there are no specific pre-established benchmarks or milestones for achievement during the programme with clear, shared criteria; the evaluation detected rigidity in programming and planning, lack of real communication among stakeholders, lack of varied methodologies, poor communication with faculty and the department head and lack of leadership on the part of the department head. With this research the UBO has rendered a service of great interest to Chilean society and university faculty.
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