Best practices and training needs for practitioners in family intervention and support services
Professional Training, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, family support, positive parentingAbstract
Family interventions from a positive parenting perspective currently have significant support in Spain at both the legislative and professional levels. Thanks to fruitful collaboration between policy makers, researchers and professionals, a significant effort has been made in recent years to ensure that these interventions incorporate good practices based on evidence. With this objective, the Guide to Good Practices in Positive Parenting was designed, a professional support resource that seeks to promote innovation processes and improve the quality of family care services in Spain. This study analysed the professional training needs identified in the 54 improvement plans of public and non-governmental entities that carry out family intervention actions and that have obtained official recognition for the promotion of positive parenting (granted by the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces), after having evaluated their services and/or programs with the online Protocol of the Guide to Good Practices. The results obtained showed professional training needs that have to do with both the organization of the services and the performance of the technical staff in their work with families. In this last area, the training needs related to the evaluation and the methodology of group work with families from a positive and strengthening approach, typical of the positive parenting approach, are especially relevant. These results are discussed, highlighting the importance of identifying and addressing professional training needs to improve the quality of family intervention and support services.
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