Gender violence and sexual violence in reggaeton songs. Qualitative study
Gender violence, sexual violence, reggaeton songs, women, educationAbstract
This study aims to analyse the most listened reggaeton songs on the YouTube platform, from 2015 to 2020, to identify the existence and typology of gender-based violence and specifically sexual violence. The selection included the ten most played songs of each year on the platform. In the end, 50 songs were selected, excluding ten that did not reflect genderbased violence in their lyrics. The methodology was qualitative, with a phenomenological design of the lyrics, using a mixed category system (inductive-deductive), with descriptive and interpretative codes. Atlas.ti v8.4 software was used to organize the information. The results showed the presence of physical, psychological, sexual, symbolic, and verbal violence. The dissemination of gender-based violence through reggaeton songs, mainly consumed by a young audience, was confirmed. We conclude by indicating the need to work with children, adolescents, and young people, as well as teachers and families, on the meaning and impact that reggaeton song lyrics have on their understanding of gender-based violence.
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