Morphology of traditional landscapes in inland Spain: the potential of the rural built environment in a more sustainable future
Rural environment, Landscape, Traditional morphologies, Territorial sustainability, Rural developmentAbstract
The demand for a new culture of territory confronts the sustainable project with the uncertainties of an abandoned rural environment, especially in the smaller landscapes of inland Spain, where the relationship between "countryside" and "city" should be regenerated. To what extent is the form of traditional rural landscapes an asset for the future? Overcoming both the idea of sustainability associated with an undeveloped environment, a shrinking refuge, and the patrimonial vision of a countryside without pain, an "active" reading of the territory emerges, aimed at rethinking from inside highly anthropised but declining spaces. It is here that a series of projects carried out or in progress by our research group develop an operational knowledge tool from the landscape and detect in the morphology of the built in rural spaces a potential not exclusively subjected to the interests of tourism or second homes, of urbanites at rest, but open to a global project of a more sustainable habitat.
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