Design of a neuroscience-based observational tool for analysing children’s free play: ObPlay 9-36m
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INTRODUCTION. Neuroscience current knowledge indicates that our brain development takes place throughout our lives, but also shows that there are sensitive periods where neuronal synapses determine the brain structure development for each person. These synapses are produced, to a large extent, due to external stimuli. Among these sensitive periods, early childhood stands out the most. METHOD. The aim of the article is to show the design and validation of an observational tool named: ObPlay 9-36m. The observational tool that we are presenting allows to provide evidence of the importance of free play in the child’s integral development, from a neuro-educational perspective. The tool has been designed from the analysis of child behaviour and is based on knowledge provided by Neuroscience, Psychology, and Education. RESULTS. In this article we present the instrument called ObPlay 9-36m for the analysis of free play in children from 9 to 36 months. The developmental process has concluded when validity and reliability of the instrument have been verified through an interjudge agreement using the Kappa coefficient. The instrument is made up of the following criteria: (1) observation, (2) motor skills, (3) exploration, (4) logical-mathematical and spatial-temporal knowledge, (5) symbol, (6) language and verbalisation, (7) emotional and (8) social. An inductive process is followed for its concretisation based on the exploratory observation of game situations ad hoc for this study. The instrument application allows for different types of analyses, showing the child’s development but also making sense of free play as a learning space. DISCUSSIÓN. The ObPlay 9-36m instrument shows
the simultaneous activation of different areas of the brain during the child’s behaviour, and the consequent learning, as a benefit for the integral child’s development. The use of observation instruments favour educational practice and research. This line of research supports action-research, starting from the observation of the educational reality and suggesting new proposals to improve professional practice.
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