The transition to adult life of the young people leaving care The dimension of “residential life”

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Rosa Goig Martínez
Isabel Martínez Sánchez


INTRODUCTION. The publication includes an analysis of the risks and opportunities that are generated for young people leaving care in their transition to adult life, focusing on one dimension: residential life. The study is contextualized in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. METHOD. Descriptive quantitative study; the questionnaire is used as an instrument with open and closed questions distributed in eight dimensions: housing and accommodation, family, social and emotional relationships, health, training, labor integration and economic management and residential life. The sample is comprised of a group of young adults (over the age of 18) leaving care of the age equivalent to 70% of the total population. RESULTS. A large percentage of the respondents participated in programs designed to favor adaptation to adult life (77.8%); among these 68.9% say that these programs have contributed positively to ensure that they could continue their studies. 77.8% report that they have increased their capacity to find and keep a job. For 93.3% the strengths of these programs lie in the positive influence on lifestyle and the acquisition of positive habits. For 68.9% the program helped them improve their ability to manage their income and encourage savings. 84.4% indicate that the program has increased their concerns about health and social relationships. DISCUSSION. It reveals the existence of a series of specific risks that condition this population on which to intervene, such as the lack of preparation for adult life and the difficulty in obtaining resources on which to suggest future interventions.


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How to Cite
Goig Martínez, R., & Martínez Sánchez, I. (2019). The transition to adult life of the young people leaving care The dimension of “residential life”. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 71(2), 71–84.
Author Biographies

Rosa Goig Martínez, UNED Departamento MIDE I

Rosa Goig Martínez. Doctora en Pedagogía. Profesora del Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación I, en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Actualmente ocupa el cargo de Coordinadora del Grado en Pedagogía. Forma parte del Grupo Internacional de Investigación sobre Inclusión Social y Derechos Humanos (TABA International Research Group). Ha publicado trabajos en revistas de prestigio nacional e internacional.

Isabel Martínez Sánchez, UNED Departamento MIDE I

Isabel Martínez Sánchez. Doctora en Pedagogía. Profesora del Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación I, en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Actualmente ocupa el cargo de Secretaria Adjunta de la Facultad. Forma parte del Grupo Internacional de Investigación sobre Inclusión Social y Derechos Humanos (TABA International Research Group). Ha publicado trabajos en revistas de prestigio nacional e internacional.




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