Evaluation and improvement of healthcare quality in patients with headache attending physical therapy


  • J. A. del-Blanco-Muñiz
  • S. Laguarta-Val
  • C. Fernández de-las-Peñas






Background. To evaluate the effects on healthcare quality following implementation of a program to improve care for individuals with headache in two physical therapy clinics and its association with outcomes and self-perceived improvement.

Methods. We assessed healthcare quality by creating a questionnaire on fulfilment of fifteen quality criteria included in the clinical history of individuals suffering from tension-type, cervicogenic or migraine headaches seeking physical therapy between 2010 and 2014. In 2015, after applying a program to improve care in one center (C1), we reassessed the same fulfilment questionnaire in both centers, using the other center (C2) as control.

Results. In the first evaluation there was a huge number of cases of non-compliance of all the criteria in both centers. After implementation of the care improvement program in C1 a significant improvement was observed in some items, as use of a headache diary, which rose from 0 to 100%, or use of the HIT-6 disability questionnaire, which rose from 30 to 100%. In addition, there was a significant improvement in self-perceived health status after implementation of the care program in C1.

Conclusions. The implementation of a care improvement program was effective in improving healthcare quality for individuals with headache attending physical therapy services.


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Author Biography

J. A. del-Blanco-Muñiz

Doctorando en CC de la Salud por la URJC de Madrid


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How to Cite

del-Blanco-Muñiz, J. A., Laguarta-Val, S., & Fernández de-las-Peñas, C. (2018). Evaluation and improvement of healthcare quality in patients with headache attending physical therapy. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 41(1), 57–68. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0251



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