Prioritization of non-recommended clinical activities in Primary Care


  • L. García Mochón Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública
  • A. Olry de Labry Lima
  • C. Bermúdez Tamayo



recomendaciones “no hacer”, desinversión, sostenibilidad, asignación de recursos, atención primaria


Objective: To prioritize non-recommended clinical activities in Primary Care (PC), from "Do not do” recommendations listed by the Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (Semfyc), according to expert consensus (physicians, nurses and pharmacists). 

Methods. The consensus for the prioritization of non-recommended practices in PC was performed through an online procedure. We used as a base the list of "do not-do" recommendations of the SEMFYC. We asked the experts to prioritize practices that should be de-adopted in PC, based on four prioritization criteria: frequency of occurrence, cost of the activity, ease of disposal and damage caused, which were scored from one to five, according to their recommendation. Scores were summarized in median and quartile values. Two rounds were necessary to obtain a consensus. A modified e-Delphi technique was used. 

Results. 34 experts (62%) participated in the first consultation round and prioritized 19 recommendations with a score ≥ 3.5. These recommendations were again analyzed in a second round, in which 32 panelists agreed to prioritize 17 practices (13 related to prescription, three diagnostic tests, and one clinical analysis). The high priority list included seven practices with values  ≥ 4: 1) Prescription of a new drug in elderly patients without having reviewed the previous treatments; 2) Lipid-lowering drugs without calculating the overall cardiovascular risk; 3) Not systematically prescribing gastric protection with proton pump inhibitors to patients consuming Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); 4) Glucose self-analysis in non-insulinized type 2 diabetics; 5) Benzodiazepines in the long term; 6) Bisphosphonates in patients with low risk of fracture; and 7) Antibiotics in lower respiratory tract infections. 

Conclusion. This study provides information for the prioritization of 17 non-AP activities in which short-term de-adoption would significantly increase the efficiency of the public health system. 


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How to Cite

García Mochón, L., Olry de Labry Lima, A., & Bermúdez Tamayo, C. (2017). Prioritization of non-recommended clinical activities in Primary Care. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 40(3), 401–412.



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