Hypogrowth. General considerations


  • U. Flores
  • M. Chueca
  • M. Oyarzábal




Talla baja. Valoración del crecimiento. Metodología diagnóstica. Clasificación del hipocrecimiento.


Growth is a basic indicator of the state of health of a child. Many pathologies that occur during childhood can have an incidence and affect final height in an evident way. The evolution and periodic follow up in the examination of the health of height and weight is a compulsory control for paediatricians, who must detect early alterations that might correspond to responsible pathologies and make possible a correct diagnosis and treatment as early as possible. The time of growth in the life of a person is not long, and the importance of a careful follow up derives from this. In this paper we review the factors that interact in growth, the methodology to follow in primary health consultation in order to establish a diagnosis, and the follow up when dealing with a low height. We include the classification of growth retardation that makes it possible to differentiate the low height denominated idiopathic from the pathological.


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How to Cite

Flores, U., Chueca, M., & Oyarzábal, M. (2009). Hypogrowth. General considerations. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 25, 131–143. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0837