Fruit and vegetables loss and waste in preschools belonging to the National Board of Kindergartens of Chile


  • Ximena Rodríguez Palleres Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.
  • Claudio Villota Arcos Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Health Sciences. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Santiago. Chile.
  • Álvaro Toledo San Martín Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology. Department of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences. Santiago. Chile.
  • Fancy Rojas González Bernardo O'Higgins University. Department of Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Santiago. Chile.
  • Juan Manuel Castagnini Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.



Food Loss and Waste, Fruit, Vegetables, Schools, Nursery


Background. Food waste is a global issue affecting society from environmental, nutritional, and social perspectives. In collaboration with the National Board of Preschools, fruit and vegetable waste generated during the preparation of lunch was quantified in four preschools in the Metropolitan area of Santiago in Chile.

Methods. This study was conducted in four preschools, two in the Western area of Santiago and two in the Eastern area, of which two hold environmental quality certifications. Over a five-day period, the weight of raw materials and waste from vegetables (peels) and fruit (pomace) were measured. Percentages of vegetable and fruit post-cleaning losses and waste were evaluated.

Results. Vegetable loss exceeded 20% in 31% of the preschools, primarily from carrots and potatoes. Fruit losses were higher, with pears accounting for the most significant waste, recorded in 75% of the study centers. No differences in vegetable loss was found between centers, while variations were observed for fruit. Preschools with environmental quality certifications wasted less onions (p = 0.016) but more pears (p = 0.036).

Conclusions. There is higher fruit loss than vegetable loss, with onions and tomatoes being the least wasted. Possessing an environmental quality certification does not guarantee a significant reduction in overall losses. Handling and storage conditions may play a key role in minimizing losses. Further studies are needed to provide evidence that can guide improvements in Chile's National Board of Preschools services, aiming for a more sustainable lunch preparation processes.


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Author Biographies

Ximena Rodríguez Palleres , Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.

Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.

Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Health Sciences. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Santiago. Chile.

Claudio Villota Arcos , Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Health Sciences. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Santiago. Chile.

 Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Health Sciences. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Santiago. Chile.

Álvaro Toledo San Martín , Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology. Department of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences. Santiago. Chile.

Bernardo O'Higgins University. Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology. Department of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences. Santiago. Chile.

Fancy Rojas González , Bernardo O'Higgins University. Department of Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Santiago. Chile.

Bernardo O'Higgins University. Department of Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Santiago. Chile.

Juan Manuel Castagnini , Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.

Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Farmacia. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Ciencias de la Alimentación, Toxicología y Medicina Forense. Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Innovadoras para una Alimentación Sostenible (ALISOST). Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. España.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Palleres, X. ., Villota Arcos, C., Toledo San Martín, Álvaro, Rojas González, F., & Castagnini, J. M. (2024). Fruit and vegetables loss and waste in preschools belonging to the National Board of Kindergartens of Chile. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 47(3), e1089.



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