Retractación de 128 artículos por manipulación de las autorías

 Expediente por denuncias recibidas en la revista Retos sobre malas prácticas de los autores

Una vez recibidas las denuncias en la revista, se procede a actuar acorde el código COPE al que está suscrita la revista. Para conocer la magnitud de las denuncias recibidas, se encarga una auditoría externa independiente a la revista a especialistas universitarios en bibliometría para que elaboren el informe correspondiente y se pueda saber realmente lo sucedido y dónde está el problema, con el fin de identificar las malas praxis apuntadas, así como los autores y trabajos implicados.

Se detectan estas malas praxis en un informe preliminar. Se establece la hipótesis con la que se trabaja. Esta es la existencia de artículos fraudulentos y, más concretamente, con la existencia de uno o varios autores, o una o varias redes de autores, que están publicando de manera reiterada y desproporcionada en RETOS. Se trabaja también con la hipótesis de que existan patrones anómalos de citación intercambio de autorías y citas entre ellos. Ambas cuestiones se vislumbran después de los primeros análisis manuales.

Así pues, la intención de ese informe fue identificar y documentar esos casos de prácticas fraudulentas de la manera más rápida, de modo que se pueda dar respuesta completa a las denuncias planteadas. No obstante, todos estos trabajos preliminares fueron sistematizados de manera que se posee unos informes concluyentes de qué ha ocurrido, para dar soporte a las decisiones de retracto o no, y proceder a ofrecer información de manera transparente tanto a las bases de datos como a la comunidad científica a través de la propia revista.


Identificación del fraude

Con estos datos por delante se pone en marcha un plan que tiene por objetivo atajar cuanto antes la situación procurando identificar cuando antes a los autores y los trabajos afectados para llevar a cabo las acciones pertinentes.

En este sentido, se siguieron las directrices marcadas por COPE para los casos identificados como intrusiones o infecciones por paper mills.

En este sentido, se atiende especialmente a las recomendaciones recogidas en los siguientes documentos:

Addressing concerns about systematic manipulation of the publication process. Committee on Publication Ethics, 1 de abril de 2023.

Systematic manipulation of the publication process. Committee on Publication Ethics, 1 de noviembre de 2018.

Concretamente, se ha seguido el proceso descrito en el siguiente flowchart (ver la plataforma COPE no se pueden adjuntar imágenes aquí).

Así, en primera instancia, se procedió al estudio de los posibles patrones del ataque, analizando las distintas prácticas identificadas en la documentación referida de COPE (ver la plataforma COPE, el organigrama seguido no se puede adjuntar en imágenes aquí).

De una primera revisión de algunos de los trabajos cuya autoría pertenece a los miembros de los clústeres identificados, se ha podido observar que, en muchos casos, se podría estar ante un caso de cambio masivo de autoría no comunicado, ni autorizado durante el proceso de revisión, una vez los trabajos han sido aceptados para publicar (ver la plataforma COPE, el organigrama seguido no se puede adjuntar en imágenes aquí).

Desconocemos, no se tienen pruebas, de que tras estas prácticas concretas haya un lucro económico directo, probablemente indirecto. No se han localizado evidencias de que se hayan podido vender autorías (ver la plataforma COPE, el organigrama seguido no se puede adjuntar en imágenes aquí).

De manera paralela, se ha trabajó en la identificación completa de los trabajos procedentes de estos grupos.

Se han identificado un total de 100 trabajos cuya autoría pertenece a los grupos ya definidos.

Se llevaron a cabo un proceso de revisión minuciosa tanto de las comunicaciones mantenidas con los autores de correspondencia como de los flujos de trabajo.

Continuando con el protocolo, se ha procedió, en primer lugar, a contactar con los grupos de autores, siguiendo las siguientes directrices descritas por COPE:

“Contact each author group separately about the same suspected paper mill.

- Editors/publishers should do due diligence in attempting to notify all coauthors of the concerns and editorial decision. However, where this is likely to cause undue delays to the timely resolution of the case, or in the absence of current contact information for all of the authors, the editor/publisher may request that the corresponding author inform the coauthors.

- Attempt to verify all email addresses or at least the email addresses of the corresponding authors. Email addresses provided with submissions may be falsified or registered to users (eg, paper mill or service agency contributors) other than the listed academics. Affiliations may also be fabricated and may need to be verified.

- Share with the authors the information needed to explain why their article is under investigation (at some level) but do not disclose detailed information about the paper mill assessment and any other articles involved. These details should remain confidential. Consider that information about specific indicators in paper mill cases may be used to inform paper mill activity and evade journal checks.

- It may suffice to provide high level information about the batch concerns (eg, ‘concerns about peer review integrity’) and indicate that the article has been identified as one of many or several for which the concerns apply.

- Ask the authors if they received any support from third party individuals or organisations in conducting the research, preparing and/or submitting the manuscript, or during peer review and revisions.”

A todos, en grupo, y con las direcciones de correo en CCO se les ha hecho llegar el siguiente mensaje:


Enviado el: miércoles, 04 de diciembre de 2024 17:08
Asunto: Expression of concern: article has been temporarily withdrawn and placed under investigation for suspected manipulation of authorship

Dear Authors:
An article you authored in our journal, along with a larger group, is under investigation for suspected manipulation in authorship. We are working to find out what has happened and make a decision on its retraction.

Best regards

Francisco Ruiz Juan
Director de Retos

C/ Cabo Vidio, 27

30730 San Javier - Murcia

Teléfono particular 968 19 36 95

Móvil 650 45 43 17


Además, los trabajos fueron retirados y se incluyó esta nota en la página de resumen:

"EXPRESSION OF CONCERN. This article has been temporarily withdrawn and placed under investigation for suspected manipulation of authorship".


Manipulación de citas

La otra gran anomalía identificada tiene que ver con el vertiginoso aumento de las citas que recibe Retos en 2024.

Como ha podido ver en la descripción de los casos investigados (omitimos los datos específicos para preservar la intimidad de los autores y por la ley de protección de datos), una práctica habitual de los autores de los tres grupos identificados es la auto cita.

Mientras que la auto cita del propio autor, en muchos casos, podría decirse que está dentro de unos márgenes relativamente comunes, en lo que tiene que ver con la auto cita grupal las cifras son absolutamente desproporcionadas.

Si se analizan las referencias citadas en los trabajos publicados en Retos en 2024 puede apreciarse nítidamente cómo se construye esta estrategia.

En el gráfico (omitimos los datos específicos para de la gráfica para preservar la intimidad de los autores y por la ley de protección de datos) se ve claramente cómo se intercambian las citas dentro de los tres clústeres o grupos de coautores identificados. Aparece incluso un cuarto, que va a ser puesto bajo vigilancia también.

Se documentó, además que este exceso de auto citas se produce después de la aceptación de los trabajos a publicar.


Acciones a llevar a cabo

Tras este primer análisis, preliminar sin duda, desde Retos se planteó llevar a cabo un análisis más profundo, tanto de lo publicado en 2024 y previsto en 2025, como de años anteriores.

El objetivo no fue otro que el de identificar todos los trabajos con rasgos de posible fraude y llevar a cabo una investigación profunda tras la que, si no se obtiene una justificación convincente, retractar todo aquel contenido que sea necesario.

Igualmente se ha establecido ya un proceso de alerta temprana de posibles desviaciones mediante la elaboración periódica de informes bibliométricos que puedan alertar de indicios de malas praxis por conductas inapropiadas.

Retos acordó identificar e informar de manera precisa y transparente estos episodios. En este sentido, una vez concluida la investigación sobre los trabajos identificados en esta primera fase, junto con el retracto (y la nota correspondiente) de cada uno de los trabajos que lo merezcan, se acordó hacer público un extracto del informe independiente para conocimiento de toda la comunidad científica, como estamos haciendo en estos momentos, sin facilitar los datos específicos de los autores implicados.


Segunda fase de las acciones llevadas a cabo

El 9 de diciembre, cuando los análisis del segundo bloque ya estaban muy avanzados, se volvió a escribir a todos los autores y se les dio 48 horas para que presentaran sus contribuciones.


Enviado el: lunes, 09 de diciembre de 2024 21:03
Asunto: Notificación del expediente abierto por manipulación de la autoría de artículos en la revista Retos / Notification of the file opened for manipulation of the authorship of articles in the journal Retos

Estimado autor, una vez iniciado el expediente de investigación, queremos poner en su conocimiento que, efectivamente, en uno o más artículos que usted escribió en nuestra revista, junto con otros compañeros, se ha apreciado una manipulación de la autoría. Si quiere saber de qué artículos se trata, solo debe entrar en la plataforma buscar su nombre y les saldrás los artículos que están bajo investigación, delante del título figurará lo siguiente:

“EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: This article has been temporarily withdrawn and placed under investigation for suspected manipulation of authorship”. Ahí puede ver el título, los autores que dicen firmarlo, la referencia y el DOI. Puede recabar de ellos el número de identificación del artículo que es el último número del DOI, por ejemplo: retos.v61.107638

Antes de tomar una decisión firme sobre lo sucedido queremos averiguar qué ha sucedido y tomar una decisión sobre su retractación o no del mismo. Le damos un plazo de 48 horas para que aporte sus alegaciones al respeto. La forma de proceder es la siguiente:

  1. Toda correspondencia con el equipo editorial de la revista Retos debe hacerse al email oficial de la revista que es
  2. En el asunto del mensaje debe indicarse el número de identificación del artículo.
  3. Solo debe dirigirse a nosotros el autor de correspondencia que figura en el envío del artículo en la plataforma para aportar la documentación que estimen oportuna y hacer las alegaciones pertinentes. Es la persona responsable de todos los cambios que se han producido en la autoría del artículo, él ha sido quien los ha efectuado nadie más ha podido hacerlo.
  4. Si el resto de autores quieren manifestar algo sobre este aspecto se pueden dirigir directamente al editor de la revista al email anterior reseñado indicando los datos del artículo al que se quiere referir.
  5. La documentación que se aporte debe estar en formato PDF exclusivamente.

Una vez pase este tiempo de 48 horas que les hemos indicado, el equipo editorial analizará la documentación aportada, así como las alegaciones y tomará una decisión que será notificada a todos los autores que figuren actualmente en la lista de autores del artículo.

En caso de no recibir respuesta en el plazo de 48 horas cerramos el expediente con la información que dispongamos y tomaremos la decisión oportuna.

Por último, se les dará un periodo de alegaciones finales de 24 horas antes de elevar a definitiva la decisión que se adopte.

Les pedimos paciencia pues este proceso puede durar varias semanas.

En estos enlaces podrá encontrar información que puede ser de su interés para poder comprender el proceso, la magnitud y la gravedad de lo sucedido:

Dear author, once the investigation file has been started, we would like to inform you that, indeed, in one or more articles that you wrote in our journal, together with other colleagues, a manipulation of authorship has been observed. If you want to know which articles are in question, you only have to enter the platform and search for your name and the articles that are under investigation will appear, in front of the title the following will appear:

“EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: This article has been temporarily withdrawn and placed under investigation for suspected manipulation of authorship”. There you can see the title, the authors who claim to sign it, the reference and the DOI. You can obtain from them the identification number of the article, which is the last number of the DOI, for example: retos.v61.107638

Before making a firm decision on what happened, we want to find out what happened and make a decision on whether or not to retract it. We give you a period of 48 hours to provide your allegations in this regard. The procedure is as follows:

  1. All correspondence with the editorial team of the Retos journal must be sent to the official email address of the journal, which is
  2. The article identification number must be indicated in the subject of the message.
  3. Only the corresponding author who appears in the article submission on the platform should contact us to provide the documentation they deem appropriate and make the relevant allegations. He is the person responsible for all the changes that have occurred in the authorship of the article; he has been the one who has made them; no one else has been able to do so.
  4. If the rest of the authors wish to make a statement on this matter, they can contact the editor of the journal directly at the email address listed above, indicating the details of the article to which they wish to refer.
  5. The documentation provided must be in PDF format only.

Once this 48-hour period that we have indicated has passed, the editorial team will analyze the documentation provided, as well as the objections, and will make a decision that will be notified to all the authors currently on the list of authors of the article.

If we do not receive a response within 48 hours, we will close the file with the information we have and we will make the appropriate decision.

Finally, you will be given a 24-hour period for final objections before the decision that is adopted is made final.

We ask for your patience as this process can take several weeks.

In these links you can find information that may be of interest to you in order to understand the process, the magnitude and the seriousness of what happened:


Un saludo

Francisco Ruiz Juan
Director de Retos

C/ Cabo Vidio, 27

30730 San Javier - Murcia

Teléfono particular 968 19 36 95

Móvil 650 45 43 17


Muchos de estos autores enviaron respuestas en esos dos días que se dieron de plazo para presentar alegaciones. En ningún caso estas respuestas han sido suficientemente satisfactorias, en la inmensa mayoría de las alegaciones que fueron recibidas.

Es más, recibimos numerosas informaciones como estas que reproducimos (omitiendo el nombre las personas para preservar su identidad). Solo vamos reflejar unos pocos como muestra de ello:


Asunto: Re: Notificación del expediente abierto por manipulación de la autoría de artículos en la revista Retos / Notification of the file opened for manipulation of the authorship of articles in the journal Retos

Dear editor 

This email is not in English 

So, I didn’t understand it completely 

However, I found that you have concerns about. A paper in a journal 

I must declare that I am not aware of this submission 

My name was added to this paper without my permission 

I don’t know the authors 

I just received your email 

I am looking forward to your kind reply


Asunto: Re: Notificación del expediente abierto por manipulación de la autoría de artículos en la revista Retos / Notification of the file opened for manipulation of the authorship of articles in the journal Retos

Dear editor 

As I brought to your attention, I am not aware of this paper, I don’t know the authors 

I think it must be mistaken. The authors added me without my permission or awareness of submission 


Asunto: confirmation

Dear editor chief, i would like to confirm regarding the article entitled "Effect of Training Method and Coordination on First Ball Receiving Skills in Sepaktakraw" that I was not involved in the writing or research.

Best Regards


Para: Francisco Ruiz Juan <>
Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 102478

Greetings sir Francisco, Thank you for informing me about this I'm not fully aware of the manuscript, honestly, I have been included in the lists of authors and I dont know the fully the background of the study, sorry for the inconvenience, if you can delete my name for the sake of integrity, although I have a vast background in sports and fitness, Hoping for your consideration sir


Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 106718

Dear Editor, 

Good afternoon.. Regarding the article in RETRACTAD, it doesn't matter to me, because I didn't contribute anything to the manuscript. And if possible, my name will be removed from the manuscript. Because as a writer I would be embarrassed if an article came to RETRACTAD. This will have an impact on my good name as a researcher at the international level.
Thank you 

Best regards, 

Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 106718

Dear Editor
Good morning, please inform me about this article, l want of my name delete from this article


Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 109441

Dear Chief Editor for Retos,

I am xxxxxx, wish to provide clarification regarding my involvement in the manuscript submitted to Retos under the Corresponding Author, Ahmad Cherroni. I deeply value the integrity of academic publication and would like to address the issues surrounding the authorship and subsequent retraction of the paper.

  1. Lack of Communication from the Corresponding Author:
    The Corresponding Author did not inform me, the co-author, about the manuscript submission to Retos prior to seeking our assistance. He requested my help with proofreading the manuscript, presenting it as an opportunity to improve its language quality without disclosing that the manuscript had already been submitted earlier. My contribution was genuine efforts to enhance the manuscript’s English to meet the journal's standards, and I was unaware of the context of its submission.
  2. Submission and Authorship Responsibility:
    When the revised version of the paper was prepared, the Corresponding Author retained full responsibility for the submission process. I was neither informed nor consulted regarding the inclusion of my name as co-authors in the paper. Additionally, no official communication, acknowledgment of submission, or notification was sent to my email addresses. Therefore, the decision to include my name in the manuscript metadata was entirely at the discretion of the Corresponding Author, who maintained control over the submission.
  3. Surprise Upon Publication:
    Upon the paper's publication, I was surprised to see my name listed as co-author. This occurred without any prior notification or acknowledgment from the Corresponding Author.
  4. Manipulation of Authorship Details:
    Based on my understanding of the submission process, the Corresponding Author, having full access to the Retos system and managing the Article Processing Charge (APC) payment, held the power to modify authorship details. Unfortunately, the lack of transparency and effective communication with us resulted in the unauthorized inclusion of my name.
  5. Adherence to Ethical Standards:
    I recognize that adding co-author post-submission without his explicit consent violates ethical guidelines, including those established by COPE. However, I wish to emphasize that I had no control over or involvement in this process, as I reside in Malaysia, whereas the Corresponding Author is based in Indonesia. This geographical and logistical separation further limited my ability to monitor or influence the submission process.

I understand that the paper is being retracted, and I respect this decision. However, I kindly request the journal to acknowledge that I, as co-author, was not involved in or responsible for any misconduct related to authorship manipulation. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Should you require any further clarification, I am happy to provide additional information.


Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 109190

I have no idea and no connection with the above.



Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 101622

Dear Francisco Ruiz Juan

Director de Retos

Thank you for informing me regarding the retracted article.

I need to explain that I never knew or was involved in this article, in fact I don't know any of the authors, except xxxxxxxx. Please confirm.

I hope that Retos will not take action that could harm me.

Additional information that Retos invited me to be a partner in an article entitled "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". (I haven't responded yet). Thank you


Estos son solo un pequeño ejemplo de los muchos mensajes similares que hemos recibido.

Aunque en muchos de los casos se argumenta que desconocen el hecho de que han sido incluidos como coautores en dichos artículos, todos ellos mantienen activos perfiles públicos de Google Scholar, verificados con sus correos corporativos, en los que se incluyen los artículos de Retos objeto de investigación.

Por precaución, se han realizado capturas de pantalla de todos estos perfiles, en los que se pueden ver dichos detalles (se omiten para preservar la identidad de los autores).


Respuestas de algunos de los principales investigadores involucrados


Para: Francisco Ruiz Juan <>
Asunto: Solution

Dear To Director Retos
I would like to apologise and ask for a solution from you for this big misunderstanding. I am willing to return and change the manuscript file with the names of the authors according to the initial version before we submit. Please give us a chance to send it to your editor. Thank you.


Asunto: Re: Artículo RETRACTADO por existir una manipulación en los autores / Article RETRACTED due to manipulation by the authors 102757

Dear Editorial Team of RETOS Journal,

With all due respect,

I would like to apologize profusely for my ignorance and negligence in reading and understanding the rules that apply in the RETOS Journal regarding the list of authors of the article I submitted. I fully realize that my actions have caused inconvenience and potentially violated the applicable policies.

As a follow-up, I have returned the names of the authors in the article according to the list recorded when we first submitted this article to the RETOS Journal. I have taken this step as a commitment to correct the error and to ensure compliance with established procedures.

I humbly request consideration from the Editorial Team so that this article can still be published, considering that the article has gone through the appropriate review process and is declared fit for publication. I promise to be more thorough and comply with all applicable provisions in the future.

Thus I convey this apology and clarification. I really appreciate the attention and policies that will be taken by the Editorial Team regarding this matter.

For the understanding and cooperation that has been given, I thank you.


Dear Francisco Ruiz Juan

Editor y Director de Retos, Spain (Tiempo completo)

Journal “RETOS"

Subject: Complaint about the withdrawal of the article titled:

Prof. Dr. Francisco Ruiz Juan, I apologize in advance, regarding the data found that there are additional authors, we honestly do not know and have not read the rules of the game in the Retos journal. Once again, please forgive us. Based on this second letter, we ask you for options, namely:

  1. The article continues to be published with proof of approval of author metadata changes from the email and journal portal that you allow to be opened.
  2. The article continues to be published by deleting the contributor's author name data after the article is submitted.
  3. The article is not published and the editor makes refunds to all authors.


Ciertamente, en las diferentes fases de la invitación podemos decir que casi el 100% de los autores han reconocido la manipulación de los autores sin autorización de la revista, con diversos argumentos casi todos ellos.


Cierres de expedientes abiertos

En primer momento, se identificaron un total de 144 artículos que fueron investigados e identificados en la plataforma con EXPRESSION OF CONCERN. De estos, en el proceso de apertura de los expedientes, en los plazos que ha establecido la revista para hacer alegaciones, se han presentado pruebas que podemos calificar como de efectivas y ciertas un total de 12 artículos. Estos artículos han sido devueltos a su versión inicial, como estaban antes de iniciarse la investigación. Las alarmas que saltaron finalmente han sido negativas. Hemos restaurado todo, informado exhaustivamente a los autores, dándole respuesta y excusándonos ante ellos, pero era necesario llegar hasta el final para conocer que el proceso era totalmente ético, como así quedó constatado.

Finalmente, al término del plazo de alegaciones de los coautores, con pruebas suficientes del fraude cometido, se han retractado 132 artículos. De ellos 115 con manipulación de autores y 17 con manipulación de autores, por manipulación de citas y referencias bibliográficas. Hay involucrados un total de 1329 autorías, 1130 en cambios solo de autores y 199 en cambio de autores, manipulación de citas y referencias bibliográficas. La media de autores por artículo es de 10.03. En los artículos con cambio de autores, citas y referencias bibliográficas la media de autores se eleva a 11,70 autores por artículo. Otro dato que dice mucho por sí mismo es encontrar varios artículos de revisiones sistemáticas del mismo grupo de autores (especialmente uno de ellos de sobremanera) que los han llegado a firmar entre 10 y 16 autores, aunque parezca sorprendente hallar tal número de autores para una simple revisión sistemática es lo que hemos obtenido en este informe y que fácilmente se puede constatar.

Todos estos trabajos han sido retractados en la plataforma y se pueden apreciar a continuación de este documento. En todos ellos se ha colocado un aviso de retractación indicando los motivos de la misma. Además, añadimos al final de cada uno de ellos, los datos de los autores que estaban cuando se aprobó el artículo, el número de autores que figuraba en el PDF publicado y el número de autores que se han cambiado, añadido o eliminado del documento originalmente aprobado por la revista. En total se han añadido 584 autores y se han eliminado un total de 144 autores.

En los próximos días se tiene previsto informar de todo ello en una nota pública que se enviará también a las bases de datos bibliográficas e índices de citación que incluyen a Retos. También está previsto establecer comunicación con Crossref para discutir la mejor forma de actualizar los metadatos correspondientes a estas piezas retractadas.

Paralelamente, se están estudiando los protocolos y demás información de COPE e IJME para conocer los siguientes pasos y si los casos requieren, como parece, contactar con las instituciones a las que están afiliados los autores en cuestión.


Nota aclaratoria de la revista ante la acusaciones infundadas y falsa sobre que Retos es una revista depredadora por el incremento de artículos publicado en 2024

Queremos añadir esta nota al informe pues hemos recibido por algunos autores amenazas lamentables y acusaciones totalmente falsas que, ellos y solo ellos, dan por buenas y válidas. Solo lo hacen para atacar a la revista Retos siendo producto de su invención. Lo hacen para tratar de justificar lo que no tiene justificación, desprestigiar a la revista y de paso hacer daño un daño irreparable a la revista y a quienes llevan 25 años escribiendo en ella de manera totalmente limpia, ajustándoseos a todos principios éticos que siempre han mantenido y se seguirán manteniendo una vez detectados quienes tienen el fraude como praxis habitual en su quehacer universitario e investigativo, la ética brilla por su ausencia.

En el informe que hemos remitido reproduzco literalmente la información transmitida a las bases de datos y muchos autores que han tratado de difamarnos y acusarnos de forma totalmente falsa:

Retos lleva una trayectoria impecable en ascenso desde sus inicios, ha ido creciendo paulatinamente con bastante linealidad. Desde hace poco más de un año hemos venido viendo un crecimiento importante de los artículos recibidos. Hemos atribuido esto al buen funcionamiento de la revista, a su seriedad, su constancia en el proceso, la agilidad con que resolvemos todo, lo dinámica que es y, sobre todo, a que año tras año va mejorando su factor de impacto. Hemos entendido que se ha convertido en una revista mucho más global, que ha trascendido del espacio latinoamericano que ha sido su espacio desde sus inicios, se ha convertido en la revista líder de nuestro ámbito en este espacio hispano. El idioma español ha sido el santo y seña desde sus inicios, pero el idioma inglés es el que se ha impuesto con el paso de tiempo producto de esta globalización.

Fruto de todo esto hemos tenido que pasar de cuatro números al año a publicar uno cada mes. Para dar cabida a los trabajos solo de calidad que recibimos. Llegado a este punto quiero dejar claro y evidente que no publicamos todo lo que nos llega. En lo que va de año 2024 tenemos estos datos extraídos de la plataforma de la FECYT dónde está alojada la revista (se pueden recabar fácilmente):


2024-01-01 — 2024-12-12

Envíos recibidos


Envíos aceptados


Envíos rechazados


 Envíos rechazados (antes de revisión)


 Envíos rechazados (después de revisión)


Envíos publicados


Días hasta la primera decisión editorial Descripción para Días hasta la primera decisión editorial


 Días hasta la aceptación


 Días hasta el rechazo


Tasa de aceptación Descripción para Tasa de aceptación


Tasa de rechazo Descripción para Tasa de rechazo


 Tasa de rechazo antes de revisión


 Tasa de rechazo después de revisión



Si acotamos esta búsqueda al último trimestre tenemos esto otro:



2024-09-01 — 2024-12-12

Envíos recibidos


Envíos aceptados


Envíos rechazados


 Envíos rechazados (antes de revisión)


 Envíos rechazados (después de revisión)


Envíos publicados


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 Días hasta la aceptación


 Días hasta el rechazo


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Tasa de rechazo Descripción para Tasa de rechazo


 Tasa de rechazo antes de revisión


 Tasa de rechazo después de revisión



Es decir, tenemos una tasa de rechazo anual del 44% y del último trimestre del 73%, cifra en la que queremos establecernos o incrementar el rechazo. Ya hemos tocado techo en los artículos anuales que deseamos publicar no queremos incrementarlos. Todos los artículos son revisados como siempre se ha hecho por el sistema de doble ciego. Además, tenemos tres personas que son catedráticos de Universidad de reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional que hacen una primera revisión de todos los artículos y ya desechamos inicialmente aquellos que no reúnen los requisitos mínimos que debe tener un artículo para que sea publicado en nuestra revista que ya está en Q2. Ese es el motivo del incremento de artículo que estamos recibiendo y publicando. Entendemos la alarma que les ha podido saltar, pero es solo y exclusivamente por esto que hemos reseñado. La globalización y haber pasado a Q2 creemos que puede estar detrás de todo esto.

Nosotros tenemos una base de datos actualmente de 16851 revisores de todo el mundo que utilizamos para evaluar los artículos que son enviado a revisar una vez pasan el primer filtro. Publicamos trimestralmente la lista de revisore, a fecha de 07/09/2024 en la revista ha aceptado la participación como revisores, o están en vías de ello, un total de 5140 revisores.

Además, contamos con un extenso panel de miembros de nuestro Comité Científico que también velan por la calidad de los trabajos que se publican en la revista y que nos dan feedbak sobre los mismos.

Hemos mantenido la cuota de publicación en las revisiones normales, creemos que la más baja de nuestro ámbito por ser conscientes que nuestro mayor ámbito de autores son de países subdesarrollados o en vías de desarrollo. Con ella hacemos frente a casi el 50% de impuestos a los que hacer frente en España, así como a los sueldos de todas las personas que están dedicadas a la revista que son españolas y cobran unos emolumentos acordes a lo que marca el estado español. Esto es muy importante que lo sepan pues el negocio de la revista es solo este. Estamos lejos de los precios entendemos abusivos de otras revistas de igual e incluso inferior nivel de Retos, que cobran hasta miles de euros por publicar un artículo. Nosotros nos mantenemos fieles a nuestros inicios y principios. Si el lucro fuese nuestro objetivo aceptaríamos todo lo que nos llegan, incrementaríamos los costes y la facturación podría ser de astronómica. Retos nació en el seno de FEADEF (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física) con unos principios y para dar un servicio a los profesionales de las Ciencias de la actividades físico-deportivas y en esos principios nos mantenemos, porque creemos en ellos y queremos que perduren. Nos han ofrecido ya ni recuerdo las veces comprarnos la revista empresas de todos los lugares del mundo (la gran mayoría hemos podido constar con muy malos fines), nuestra respuesta ha sido rotunda: NO BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO. No mueven principios que van más allá de los meramente económicos y a eso nos aferramos. Queremos seguir dando este servicio a los investigadores que apuesten por nuestro trabajo serio y ético como siempre has sido, ahora le añadiremos más control para evitar que estas mafias hagan daño a nuestra revista y a nuestra profesión. Llevo 42 años luchando por estos principios, por esta ética y de no ser por ustedes ni me hubiera dado cuenta de lo que estaban haciendo, lo cual quiero reiterar mi agradamiento pues si éramos buenos ahora seremos mejores ya que, siendo humildes como somos, queremos alcanzar la excelencia, ese ha sido siempre unos de nuestros “retos” de ahí al nombre que tiene la revista de Retos. Los retos que nos imponemos cada día, espero podamos seguir lográndolos una vez se ha aclarado todo esto que desgraciadamente nos ha pasado, esperemos que con su ayuda y comprensión por todo lo que nos han hecho y creo hemos subsanado. Manifestamos nuestro compromiso de seguir haciéndolo en el futuro y continuar investigando años atrás para detectar si ha existido algo similar para actuar con la misma contundencia y rotundidad con que lo hemos hecho ahora. Les pedí unos días para esclarecer todo y hoy les presento los resultados de la investigación como me comprometí.




Resmana, R., Saputra, M.., Okilanda, A.., Arnaldo, Y.., Selviani, I.., Rozi, M., Ahmed, M., & Tulyakul, S.. (2024). El efecto de la variabilidad del entrenamiento con salto con flexión de rodillas y del entrenamiento con salto al cajón sobre las capacidades explosivas de los músculos de las piernas. Retos61, 1227–1232.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: -1 (M.Pemberdi Intasir)


Yarmani, Y., Restu Ilahi, B., Syafrial, S., Hiasa, F., Raibowo, S., Kurniawan, R., Okilanda, A., & Azhar, S. (2024). IA y medios de aprendizaje asistido por Thinkable para educación física: un estudio descriptivo sobre la educación colaborativa de profesores. Retos61, 1239–1247.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Ardo Okilanda, Samsul Azhar)


Alfurqan, A., Syaputri, W., Okilanda, A., Yulianti, A. I., Indra, Y., Hastianah, H., Isnaeni, M., Widyasari, W., & Amrista, R. (2024). Los valores islámicos y la identidad cultural en los comentarios sobre el fútbol del Mundial (Islamic values and cultural identity in world cup football commentary). Retos59, 1149–1157.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Andi Indah Yulianti, Yulino Indra, Hastianah, Mukhammad Isnaeni, Widyasari Widyasari)


Syaputri, W., Revita, I., Oktavianus, O., Usman, F., Zulfadhli, Z., Okilanda, A., Isnaeni, M., & Wijayanti, R. A. (2024). Charla de juego: exploración de las características lingüísticas del comentario deportivo (Game talk: exploring the linguistic features of sports commentary). Retos59, 1116–1125.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Oktavianus Oktavianus, Fajri Usman, Zulfadhli Zulfadhli, Mukhammad Isnaeni)


okilanda, A.., Putri, S. A. R., Fajar, M., Febrian, M.., Saputra, M.., Tulyakul, S.., Duwarah, T., Putra, A., Hasan, B., Mudayat, M., & Syaputri, W. (2024). El entrenamiento de resistencia y su impacto en la salud física de los estudiantes universitarios (Endurance training and its impact on physical health among university students). Retos59, 1092–1102.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 (Siti Ayu Risma Putri, Mutiara Fajar, Twinkle Duwarah, Aidil Putra, Baharuddin Hasan, Mudayat, Wuri Syaputri)


Saputra, M., Ayu Risman Putri, S., Arsil, A., Okilanda, A., Fajar, M., Febrian, M., Resmana, R., & Igoresky, A. (2024). El impacto del entrenamiento táctil en juegos reducidos en las habilidades de regate en jóvenes futbolistas (The impact of tactital small-sided games training on dribbling skills in young soccer players). Retos59, 419–426.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Siti Ayu Risma Putri, Mutiara Fajar)


Okilanda, A.., Ihsan, N.., Arnando, M., Hasan, B., Ishak, M., Mohamed Shapie, M. N.., Tulyakul, S.., Duwarah, T., Ahmed, M., & Syaputri, W. (2024). Acelerar el rendimiento: el impacto del entrenamiento interválico con resistencia ponderada en la mejora de la velocidad en estudiantes universitarios (Revving up performance: the impact of interval training with weighted resistance on speed enhancement in university students). Retos58, 469–476.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Baharuddin Hasan, Twinkle Duwarah)


Ihsan, N., Okilanda, A., Ahmed, M., Keilbart, P., Shapie, M. N. M., Suwirman, S., & Sasmitha, W. (2024). Mejora de los resultados de aprendizaje de Pencak Silat: un enfoque de autoevaluación basado en Android para la educación física en la escuela primaria (Enhancing Pencak Silat Learning Outcomes: An Android-Based Self-Assessment Approach for Elementary School Physical Education). Retos58, 108–114.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Muhamad Nizam Mohamed Shapie, Suwirman, Wenny Sasmitha)


Yendrizal, Y., Okilanda, A.., Masrun, M., Ridwan, M., Ahmed, M., Crisari, S., & Tulyakul, S. (2024). Descubriendo la ciencia de la resistencia física: técnicas de entrenamiento y factores biológicos (Unlocking the Science of Physical Endurance: Training Techniques and Biological Factors). Retos55, 504–512.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -3 (Additions: Yendrizal, Masrun, M Ridwan, Silvio Crisari. Eliminated: Mario Febrian, Mardepi Saputra, Alonzo L Mortejo)


Effendi, H., Wahyuri, A. S., Fadlan, A. R., Batubara, R., Okilanda, A., & Syaputri, W. (2024). Mejora de la condición física a través de módulos electrónicos j uego basado en actividades (Improvement of physical fitness through electronic modules based on play activities). Retos58, 445–449.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Hastria Effendi)


Chaeroni , A.., Gusril, G., Talib, K., Mashuri, M., Susilo, H., Orhan, B. E., Govindasamy, K., Ahmed, M., & Okilanda, A. (2024). Mejorar el entrenamiento de fútbol: Consideraciones sobre los estilos individuales de aprendizaje, los niveles de inteligencia y la motivación (Improving Soccer Coaching: Considerations of Individual Learning Styles, Intelligence Levels, and Motivation). Retos58, 377–383.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Bekir Erhan Orhan, Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Mottakin Ahmed, Ardo Okilanda)


Sari, A. P., Kurniawan, R., Selviani, I., Okilanda, A., Bafirman, B., Rifki, M.. S., Setiawan, E., Effendi, R., Putra, R. A., Pavlovic, R., & Jimenez, J. V. G. (2024). Terapia de ejercicio Maumere y dieta baja en sal en hipertensos: un esfuerzo para reducir la presión arterial (Maumere exercise therapy and low salt diet in hypertension sufferers: an effort to lower blood pressure). Retos56, 1016–1025.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Ratko Pavlovic, Jose Vicente Garcia Jimenez)


Chaeroni , A.., Widya Pranoto, N., Talib, K., Ahmed, M., Khishe, M., Okilanda, A., & Nizam Lani,. M. (2024). Efectos de la Actividad Física en la Salud Física, el Comportamiento y la Personalidad según el Estatus Social de Niños Urbanos y Rurales: Una revisión sistemática (Effects of Physical Activity on Physical Health, Behavior and Personality by Social Status of Urban and Rural Children: A Systematic Review). Retos56, 1148–1160.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Mottakin Ahmed, Mohammad Khishe, Ardo Okilanda, Mohd Nizam Lani)


Chaeroni, A., Husain, I., Ahmed, M., Singh, A. P., Sayed, M. A., Okilanda, A.., Ihsan, N., Padli, P., Kumbara, H., Haryanto, J., & Febrian, M. (2024). Análisis biomecánicos de la pala en el hockey sobre césped (Biomechanical Analyses of Scoop in Field Hockey). Retos55, 499–503.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 y -2 (Additions: Ahmad Chaeroni, Agam Pratap Singh, Md Abu Sayed, Nurul Ihsan, Padli, Hengki Kumbara, Mario Febrian. Eliminated: Hemantajit Gogoi, Eko Purnomo)


Alimuddin, A., Liza, L., Syafrianto, D., Sepriadi, S., Bin Zakaria, J., Wahyudin, W., Sari Kardi, I., Komaini, A., Ndayisenga, J., Singh, V., & Okilanda, A. (2024). Efectos de la combinación ABC Running y Bodyweight Training: Un estudio de caso sobre la velocidad de los atletas de vallas (Effects of ABC Running and Bodyweight Training combination: A case study on the speed of hurdling athletes ). Retos55, 120–125.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 110

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Anton Komaini, Japhet Ndayisenga, Wahyudin, Vikash Singh, Ardo Okilanda)


Saputra, M., Arsil, A., Ardo, O., Ahmed, M., Mortezo, A. L., & Tulyakul, S.. (2024). Diferencias en el efecto de los deportes aeróbicos y la motivación para hacer ejercicio en la aptitud física de los estudiantes (Differences in the Effect of aerobic sports and exercise motivation on students’ physical fitness). Retos53, 374–380.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 6

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Mottakin Ahmed, Alonzo L Mortejo, Singha Tulyakul)


Okilanda, A.., Soniawan, V., Irawan, R., Arifan, I., Batubara, R., Fadlan, A. R., Marta, I. A., Tulyakul, S., Crisari, S., Ahmed, M., & Hasan, B. (2024). Análisis de goleadores del mundial de Qatar 2022 (Qatar 2022 World Cup Scorer Analysis). Retos54, 10–17.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Ibnu Andli Marta, Singha Tulyakul, Silvio Crisari, Mottakin Ahmed, Baharuddin Hasan)


Samodra, Y. T. J.., Haryanto, J., Wati, I. D. P., Thamrin, L., Rahmadi, R., Zarya, F.., Suryadi, D., Suganda, M. A., Setiawan, H., Suhartini, B., & Sinulingga, A. (2024). Análisis de la capacidad de tiro en baloncesto: estudio transversal de alumnos de primaria (Analysis of basketball shooting ability: a cross-sectional study of elementary school students)nipulation of authorship. Retos, 60, 1230–1236.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Rahmadi, Fiky Zarya, Mikkey Anggara Suganda, Bernadeta Suhartini, Albadi Sinulingga)


Faridah, E.., Kasih, I., Nugroho, S., Emilia, E., Irfan, M., Mustaqim, R., Siregar , S., Hasibuan, N.., Suganda, M. A., & Suryadi, D.. (2024). Eficacia del desarrollo de medios m-gym en el aprendizaje de la gimnasia rítmica para estudiantes y profesores en Indonesia (Effectiveness of m-gym media development in learning rhythmic gymnastics for students and lecturers in Indonesia). Retos59, 595–601.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Nurman Hasibuan)


Yanti, N., Selviani, I.., Supriatna, E.., Nofrizal, D.., Purba, P. H., Lubis, H. Y.., Nurbait, S.., Putro, D. E., Ismoko, A. P.., Wahyuni, D., Suryadi, D., & Suganda, M. A. (2024). Eficacia del entrenamiento pliométrico en balonmano: impacto en la potencia y velocidad de lanzamiento (Effectiveness of plyometric training in handball: impact on throwing power and speed)Effectiveness of plyometric training in handball: impact on throwing power and speed). Retos, 58, 643–649.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -3 (Additions: Iit Selviani, Eka Supriatna, Dedi Nofrizal, Pangondian Hotliber Purba, Hafiz Yazid Lubis, Syifa Nurbait, Danang Endarto Putro, Anung Probo Ismoko, Dewi Wahyuni. Eliminado: Nugroho Susanto, Putra Sastaman B, Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Ardi Nusri, Dilli Dwi Kuswoyo, Ahmad Nasrulloh)


Santika, I. G. P. N. A., Adiatmika, I. P. G., Samodra, Y. T. J.., Subekti, M., Tirtayasa, K., Purnawati, S., Suryadi, D., Syam, A., Sinulingga, A., & Hidayat, S. (2024). El impacto de COVID-19 en la resistencia de los jugadores de Kabaddi: una experiencia adversa digna de mención (The impact of COVID-19 on the stamina of Kabaddi players: a noteworthy adverse experience). Retos, 57, 896–902.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Asry Syam, Albadi Sinulingga, Syarif Hidayat)


Liza, L., Bafirman, B., Masrum , M.., Alimuddin , A.., Perdana, R. P., Wahyudi, A.., Anggara Suganda, M.., Suryadi, D.., Adi Prabowo, T., & Sacko, M... (2024). Modelo de calentamiento modificado: Un estudio de desarrollo para jugadores de fútbol tras una lesión de tobillo (Modified Warm-Up Model: A Development Study For Football Players Post Ankle Injury). Retos, 55, 710–717.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Rahmat Putra Perdana, Agung Wahyudi)


Suryadi, D., Okilanda, A.., Nofrizal, D.., Anggara Suganda, M.., Tulyakul, S.., Ahmed, M.., Hussain, I.., Nasrulloh , A.., Juni Samodra , Y. T.., Puspita Wati, I. D.., & Herdiyana Bastian, R.. (2024). ¿Cómo funciona el aprendizaje cooperativo con los alumnos? Revisión bibliográfica sobre educa-ción física (How does cooperative learning work with students? Literature review in physical education). Retos, 55, 527–535.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 11

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 y -1 (Añadido: Dedi Nofrizal. Eliminado: Eva Faridah)


Dewantara, J., Yuniana, R., Graha, A. S., Sastaman B, P., Kushartanti, B. W., Nasrulloh, A., Septianto, I., Suryadi, D., Ardian, R., Widodo, A., Ridwan, A., & Haidar, M. D. (2024). ¿Cuál es la eficacia de la combinación de masoterapia y terapia de calor en la amplitud de movimiento articular? Estudio experimental en pacientes con dolor de hombre (What is the effectiveness of the combination of massage therapy and heat therapy on joint range of motion? Experimental study in patients with shoulder pain). Retos, 57, 147–152.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Putra Sastaman B, Muhammad Daffa Haidar)


Suryadi, D., Susanto , N., Faridah, E., Wahidi, R., Samodra, Y. T. J., Nasrulloh, A., Suganda, M. A., Wati, I. D. P., Sinulingga , A., Arovah, N. I., & Dewantara, J. (2024). Ejercicio para la salud en la vejez: Revisión exhaustiva de los beneficios y la eficacia de las interven-ciones (Exercise for health in old age: Comprehensive review examining the benefits and efficacy of interven-tions). Retos, 55, 88–98.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Albadi Sinulingga, Novita Intan Arovah, Julian Dewantara)


Yulianti, M., Subagyo, S., Sujarwo, S., Wahyudi, A.., Rubiyatno, R., Suganda, M. A., Suryadi, D., & Herdiyana Bastian, R. (2024). Modelo de aprendizaje cooperativo tipo STAD y modelo de aprendizaje convencional: estudio comparativo de los resultados del aprendizaje de las técnicas básicas de pase inferior en voleibol (STAD-type cooperative learning model and conventional learning model: a comparative study on the learning outcomes of basic volleyball lower passing techniques). Retos, 55, 346–352.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Agung Wahyudi, Risa Herdiyana Bastian)


Ardian, R., Prasetyo, Y., Sulistiyono, S., Arjuna, F., Suryadi, D., Dewantara, J., Septianto, I., & Subarjo, S. (2024). Aplicación de Métodos de Entrenamiento en Circuito para Mejorar la Condición Física del VO2max: Un Estudio Experimental en Atletas de Balonmano (Application of Circuit Training Methods to Improve VO2max Physical Condition: An Experimental Study on Handball Athletes). Retos, 54, 660–666.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Julian Dewantara, Irvan Septianto, Subarjo)


Setiawan, Y., Okilanda, A., Bewelli Fahmi, Y., Faridah, E., Nusri, A., Hasan, B., Suryansah, S., Anggara Suganda, M., Suryadi, D., Hasibuan, N., Ahmed, M., & Hussain, I. (2024). Análisis de las capacidades básicas de movimiento: Estudio por sondeo en niños (Analysis of Basic Movement Abilities: Survey study in children). Retos, 54, 728–735.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -1 (Additions: Ardi Nusri, Suryansyah Nurman, Hasibuan, Mottakin Ahmed, Ikram Hussain. Eliminasdo: Lazuardi Akbar)


Juni Samodra , Y. T.., Yosika, G. F., Gustian, U., Mashud, M., Arifin, S.., Suryadi, D., Wati, I. D. P., Syam, A., Candra, A. R. D., Wati, M. G., & Candra, A. T. (2024). ¿Son iguales los niños y las niñas de las zonas rurales en términos de motricidad gruesa? (Are boys and girls in rural areas equal in terms of gross motor skills?). Retos, 54, 94–99.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Asry Syam, Adiska Rani Ditya Candra, Maria Goreti Wati, Arya T Candra)


Septianto, I., Sumaryanti, S., Nasrulloh, A., Sulistiyono, S., Nugraha, H., Ali, M., Ramadhani, A. M., Dewantara, J., Haniyyah, N., Fauzi, F., Suryadi, D., Ardian, R., & Subarjo, S. (2024). Juegos tradicionales para mejorar la forma física: estudio experimental con alumnos de primaria (Traditional games for physical fitness: an experimental study on elementary school students). Retos, 54, 122–128.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Roy Ardian, Subarjo)


Thamrin, L., Gustian, U., Suhardi, S., Zhongfulin, W., & Suryadi, D. (2024). La aplicación de estrategias de aprendizaje contextual para estimular la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes (The Implementation of Contextual Learning Strategies to Stimulate Students’ Critical Thinking Skills). Retos, 53, 52–57.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Didi Suryadi)


Yudi, A. A., Sari, S. N.., Arifan, I., Firdaus, F., Suganda, M. A., Suryadi, D., Prabowo, T. A., Yati, Y., Paramitha, S. T., Aryadi, D.., Nusri, A.., & Faridah, E.. (2024). ¿Cómo pueden afectar los métodos de entrenamiento de juego reducido (3 contra 3 y 6 contra 6) y el VO2máx a las habilidades futbolísticas básicas? (How can Small Sided Game training methods (3 vs 3 and 6 vs 6) and VO2max affect basic soccer skills?). Retos, 52, 550–557.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Dedi Aryadi, Ardi Nusri, Eva Faridah)


Sudirman, R., Mashud, M., Aprial. M, B.., Tahapary, J. M., Gunawan, G., Samodra, Y. T. J.., Wati, I. D. P., Suryadi, D., Arifin, R., & Nawir, N. (2024). Entrenamiento pliométrico y entrenamiento en circuito en términos de coordinación mano-ojo: ¿cómo afecta la potencia explosiva de los ataques con hoz? (Plyometric training and circuit training in terms of eye-hand coordination: how it affects the explosive power of sickle attacks?). Retos, 52, 131–137.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -1 (Additions: Ridwan Sudirman, Isti Dwi Puspita Wati, Ramadhan Arifin, Nukhrawi Nawir. Eliminado: Yati)


Hasyim, H., Siregar, A. H., Kasim, H., Latar , I.. M., Sastaman B, P., Ramli , R.., Suganda, M. A., Suryadi, D.., Kasmad, M. R.., & Okilanda, A.. (2024). Aficionados al fútbol y movimientos sociales: Un examen de la movilización de recursos entre los seguidores del club PSM en Sulawesi del Sur (Supporters of football and social movements: An examination of resource mobilization among fans of the PSM club in South Sulawesi). Retos, 52, 232–239.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (M. Rachmat Kasmad, Ardo Okilanda)


Mashud, M., Arifin, S.., Warni, H., Samodra, Y. T. J.., Yosika, G. F., Basuki, S., Suryadi, D., & Suyudi, I. (2024). Aptitud Física: Efectos de la interiorización de un estilo de vida activo mediante un proyecto basado en la alfabetización física (Physical Fitness: Effects of active lifestyle internalization through physical literacy awarenes based project). Retos, 51, 1299–1308.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Imam Suyudi)


Wati, I. D. P., Kusnanik, N. W., Wahjuni, E. S.., Samodra, Y. T. J.., Mardiyyaningsih, A. N., Suryadi, D., Amahoru, N. M., Seli , S., Candra, A. R. D., & Siringo-ringo, T. G. (2024). El IMC, el porcentaje de grasa y el colesterol total de los deportistas: ¿cuál es su situación? (The BMI, fat percentage and total cholesterol of athletes: what is their status?). Retos, 51, 712–718.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Nurul Musfira Amahoru, Sesilia Seli, Adiska Rani Ditya Candra, Tulus Gover Siringo-ringo)


Pranoto, N. W.., fauziah, varhatun, Anugrah, S.., Fitriady, G.., Setyawan, H.., Geantă, V. A.., Sibomana, A.., & Ndayisenga, J.. (2024). La eficacia de la dieta y el ejercicio en el manejo de la obesidad (The effectiveness of diet and exercise in the management of obesity). Retos, 58, 951–959.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (Septriyan Anugrah, Gema Fitriady, Hendra Setyawan, Vlad Adrian Geantă, Alexandre Sibomana, Japhet Ndayisenga)


Charlina, C., Roziah, R., Ismail, S., Piliang, W. S. H.., Siswanto, S., Setyawan, H., Zulbahri, Z., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., Eken, Özgür, Pavlovic, R., Latino, F., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Comunicación verbal eficaz en el aprendizaje de la educación física y el entrenamiento deportivo para mejorar el rendimiento y la salud: Una revisión sistemática (Effective Verbal Communication in Physical Education Learning and Sports Coaching to Improve Achievement and Health: A Systematic Review). Retos, 56, 1139–1147.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Francesco Tafuri)


Komari, A., Setyawan, H., Kriswanto, E. S., Sujarwo, S., García-Jiménez, J. V.., Pavlovic, R., Nowak, A. M., Susanto, N., Kurniawan, A. W., Gusliana HB, G. H., Shidiq, A. A. P., Putra, A. M. I., & Roziah, R. (2024). El Efecto de la Gestión de la Clase de Educación Física (EF) Utilizando Materiales de Bádminton Para Mejorar la Concentración de los Estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria (ES) (The Effect of Physical Education (PE) Class Management Using Badminton Materials to Improve Elementary School (ES) Students’ Concentration). Retos, 55, 520–526.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 11

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 y -1 (Additions: Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Al Malikul Ikhwanda Putra, Roziah. Eliminado: Arief Darmawan)


Totti Fahrosi, A., Anam, K., Setiowati, A., Sugiarto, S., Susanto, N., Wijanarko, T., Setyawan, H., Fitriady, G., Eken, Özgür, Kozina, Z., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., & Vicente García-Jiménez, J. (2024). Análisis de los niveles de riesgo de lesión en futbolistas jóvenes: Una revisión de las pantallas de movimiento funcional y las puntuaciones de equilibrio estático (Analysis of injury risk levels in young footballers: A review of functional movement screens and static balance scores). Retos, 58, 1061–1070.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Gema Fitriady, Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri)


HB, G., Ardiyanto, S. Y., Setyawan, H., Putro, B. N.., Kurniawan, A. W., Zulbahri, Z., Gerdijan, N., Eken, Özgür, Latino, F., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Revisión Jurídica de Casos de Acoso Escolar a Alumnos con Discapacidad en Actividades de Aprendizaje de Educación Física en Centros Escolares: Una revisión sistemática (Legal Review of Bullying Cases against Students with Disabilities in Physical Education Learning at Schools: A Systematic Review). Retos, 57, 840–848.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Syaifullah Yophi Ardiyanto, Francesco Tafuri)


Yani, A., Henjilito, R., Noviardila, I., Hasan, B., Setyawan, H., Shidiq, A. A. P., Gerdijan, N., Latino, F., Eken, Özgür, Zulbahri, Z., Kurniawan, A. W., & HB, G. (2024). El papel de los supervisores escolares en la garantía de calidad del aprendizaje de la educación física: Una revisión sistemática (The Role of School Supervisors in the Quality Assurance of Physical Education Learning: A Systematic Review). Retos, 57, 589–597.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +8 y -6 (Additions: Ahmad Yani, Raffly Henjilito, Iska Noviardila, Baharuddin Hasan, Nikolina Gerdijan, Zulbahri, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Gusliana HB. Eliminated: Roziah Roziah, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Arief Darmawan, Muhammad Imam Rahmatullah, Ratko Pavlovic, Francesco Tafuri)


Hamsyah, K., Nopembri, S., Komari, A., Setyawan, H., Hermawan, H. A., Eken, Özgür, Sugiyanto, S., Shidiq, A. A. P.., Pavlovic, R.., Latino, F.., Tafuri, F., Pranoto, N. W.., & Rahmatullah, M. I.. (2024). Implementación de la gestión de clases de tiro con arco en la etapa del programa preextracurricular para aumentar el interés de los estudiantes de primaria (Implementation of Archery Class Management at the Pre-Extracurricular Program Stage To Increase Elementary School Students’ Interest). Retos, 55, 849–856.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -3 (Additions: Khairul Hamsyah, Özgür Eken, Sugiyanto, Nuridin Widya Pranoto. Eliminated: Zhanneta Kozina, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan,  Nugroho Susanto)


Kurniawan, A. W., Wiguno, L. T. H., Mu’arifin, M., Setyawan, H., Shidiq, A. A. P., García-Jiménez, J. V., Eken, Özgür, Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Pranoto, N. W., Rahmatullah, M. I., & Anam, K. (2024). Desarrollo asistido por I-Spring de un programa de técnicas de tiro de baloncesto (I-Spring Assisted Development of a Basketball Shooting Technique Program). Retos, 55, 874–881.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 y -2 (Additions: Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, José Vicente García-Jiménez, Özgür Eken, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Muhammad Imam Rahmatullah, Khoiril Anam. Eliminated: Zhanneta Kozina, Nugroho Susanto)


Widiyanto, W., Setyawan, H., Suharjana, S., Purwanto, S., Indra, E. N.., Sujarwo, S., Prayudho, S.., García-Jiménez, J. V.., Pavlovic, R., Eken, Özgür., Pranoto, N. W., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., Rahmatullah, M. I., & Wali, C. N. (2024). Niveles de forma física de los alumnos de primaria en función del sexo y la raza en Indonesia, ¿Existen diferencias? (Fitness Levels of Elementary School Students Based on Gender and Race in Indonesia: Are There Differences?). Retos, 55, 963–968.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 15

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 15

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y -2 (Additions: Özgür Eken, Nuridin Widya Pranoto. Eliminated:  Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Nugroho Susanto)


Bahtra, R., Putra, A. N.., Fajri, H. P.., Susanto, N.., Sanchez, W. G. V.., Zanada, J. F., Setyawan, H.., Eken, Özgür., & Pavlovic, R.. (2024). Pequeños juegos paralelos: modelo de entrenamiento de resistencia para jóvenes futbolistas (Small Side Games: Endurance Training Model for Young Soccer Players): E. Retos, 56, 1120–1127.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Hendra Setyawan, Özgür Eken, Ratko Pavlovic)


Setyawan, H., Suyanto, S., Ngatman, N., Purwanto, S., Suyato, S., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., Eken, Özgür, Pavlovic, R., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Wijanarko, T., Ermawati. S, E. S., & Gusliana HB, G. H. (2024). El efecto de la implementación de material de tiro con arco de gestión de clases de educación física para mejorar la concentración de los estudiantes de primaria (The Effect Of Implementing Physical Education Class Management Archery Material To Improve Concentration Elementary School Students). Retos, 56, 879–886.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 14

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 y -5 (Additions: Ngatman, Sugeng Purwanto, Suyato, Ratko Pavlovic, Tiok Wijanarko, Gusliana HB, Ermawati. S. Eliminated: Suharjana, Sumaryanto, José Vicente García-Jiménez, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Muhammad Imam Rahmatullah)


Mardiyah, S. U. K.., Setyawan, H.., García-Jiménez, J. V.., Eken, Özgür, Latino, F., Pranoto, N. W., Darmawan, A.., Shidiq, A. A. P.., Rahmatullah, M. I., Tafuri, F.., & Anam, K.. (2024). Differences in the Implementation of Physical Education (PE) Learning Management Based on Years of Work: Analysis of Differences in the Quality of Quality Assurance Culture. Retos, 55, 797–803.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 y -4 (Additions: Özgür Eken, Francesca Latino, Nuridin Widya Pramoto, Muhammad Imam Rahmatullah, Francesco Tafuri, Khoiril Anam. Eliminated: Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Nugroho Susanto, Andriansyah, Gusliana HB)


Mulyanti, C., Prasetyo, Y., Sumarjo, S., Setyawan, H., Kurniawan, A. W., Shidiq, A. A. P., Eken, Özgür, Pavlovic, R., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Wijanarko, T., Rahmatullah, M. I., & Anam, K. (2024). Diferencias en los resultados de las habilidades de tiro con arco para estudiantes de escuelas vocacio-nales y principiantes según la distancia de tiro (Differences in Archery Skill Results for Vocational School Students and Beginners Based on Shooting Distance). Retos, 55, 957–962.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 13

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y -2 (Additions: Cholimah Mulyanti, Tiok Wijanarko. Eliminated: Yudik Prasetyo, Nugroho Susanto)


Septiantoko, R., Murdiono, M., Saliman, S., Setyawan, H., García-Jiménez, J. V.., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Pranoto, N. W., Kurniawan, A. W., Anam, K., Shidiq, A. A. P., Rahmatullah, M. I., & Eken, Özgür. (2024). Diferencias en el rendimiento en los resultados del aprendizaje de educación física para estudiantes de secundaria según la ocupación de los padres: análisis de las diferencias en el estatus social de los padres al proporcionar motivación para el aprendizaje (Differences in Achievement in Physical Education Learning Outcomes for High School Students Based on Parental Occupation: Analysis of Differences in Parental Social Status in Providing Learning Motivation). Retos, 55, 882–888.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 11

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -3 (Additions: Riko Septiantoko, Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Özgür Eken. Eliminated: Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Nugroho Susanto)


Martono, M., Suherman, W. S., Nugroho, S., Setyawan, H., Sulistiyono, S., Pambudi, D. K., Puri, L. W., Septiantoko, R., Hermawan, Y., García-Jiménez, J. V., Pavlovic, R., Eken, Özgür, Pranoto, N. W., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., & Rahmatullah, M. I. (2024). ELogro de resultados en el aprendizaje de la educación física en función del género y la motivación para el aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria de la región de Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Achievement of Physical Education Learning Results Based on Gender Review and Learning Motivation on High School Students in the Yogyakarta Region, Indonesia). Retos, 55, 1045–1052.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 16

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -5 (Additions: Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sigit Nugroho, Sulistiyono, Duwi Kurnianto Pambudi, Lintang Waskita Puri, Riko Septiantoko, Yudan Hermawan, Ratko Pavlovic, Nuridin Widya Pranoto. Eliminated: Francesca Latino, Nugroho Susanto, Tiok Wijanarko, Francesco Tafuri, Khoiril Anam)


Setyawan, H., Alim, A. M., Listyarini, A. E., Suri, P. T., Mahsusi, J., Rahmatullah, M. I., Sugiarto , T., Shidiq, A. A. P., Kozina, Z., Eken, Özgür, Latino, F.., Tafuri, F., & Pranoto, N. W.. (2024). Implementación de la gestión de clases de tiro con arco en la etapa del programa preextracurricular para mejorar las habilidades de tiro con arco de los estudiantes de primaria (Implementation of Archery Class Management at the Pre-Extracurricular Program Stage To Improve Archery Skills of Elementary School Students). Retos, 55, 867–873.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 15

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -6 (Additions: Juni Mahsusi, Tatok Sugiarto, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Özgür Eken, Nuridin Widya Pranoto. Eliminated: Suyanto, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Ratko Pavlovic)


Anam, K., Setiowati, A., Nurrachmad, L., Indardi, N.., Azmi, D. A. N.., Aditia, E. A.., Irawan, F. A., Susanto, N., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Pavlović, R., Setyawan, H., & Kozina, Z. (2024). Análisis del Riesgo de Lesiones en Estudiantes de la Academia de Fútbol: Una revisión de las puntuaciones de las pruebas de movimiento funcional y los datos demográficos (Injury Risk Analysis of Soccer Academy Students: A Review of Functional Movement Screen Scores and Demographic Data). Retos, 55, 900–907.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 11

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Limpad Nurrachmad, Hendra Setyawan)


Pranoto, N. W.., Fauziah, V., Muchlis, A. F., Komaini, A.., Rayendra, R.., Susanto, N.., Fitriady, G.., Setyawan, H., Pavlovic, R.., Sibomana, A.., & Nadyisenga , J.. (2024). Exploración de las habilidades motoras de los niños con retraso del crecimiento vs. Sin retraso del crecimiento (Exploration of Children’s Motor Skills with Stunting Vs. Non-Stunting). Retos, 54, 224–234.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 (Rayendra Rayendra, Nugroho Susanto, Gema Fitriady, Hendra Setyawan, Ratko Pavlovic, Alexandre Sibomana, Japhet Ndayisenga)


Zanada, J. F., Setyawan, H., Susanto, N., Bahtra, R., Wijanarko, T., Anam, K., Fitriady, G., García-Jiménez, J. V., Pavlovic, R., & Nowak, A. M. (2024). Reducir la dismenorrea en adolescentes en edad escolar mediante la práctica de yoga: una revisión de la literatura (Reducing Dysmenorrhea In School-Aged Teenagers By Practising Yoga: A Literature Review). Retos, 54, 76–83.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Gema Fitriady, Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak)


Widiyanto, W., Setyawan, H., Suharjana, S., Purwanto, S., Indra, E. N., Prayudho, S., García-Jiménez, J. V., Pavlovic, R., Nowak, A. M., Susanto, N., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., & Andriansyah, A. (2024). Los diferentes resultados en lsa habilidades de servicio de los tenistas jóvenes evaluadas según el género y la edad (The Differences Result in Serve Skill of Junior Tennis Players Assessed Based on Gender and Age). Retos, 54, 272–278.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 (Eka Novita Indra, José Vicente García-Jiménez, Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Arief Darmawan, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Andriansyah)


Setyawan, H. S., Sumaryanto, S., Suyanto, S., Suharjana, S., García-Jiménez, J. V. G.-J., Pavlovic, R. P., Nowak, A. M. N., Susanto, N. S., Darmawan, A. D., Gusliana HB, G. H., Purnomo Shidiq, A. A. P. S., Hardianto, H., & Suwanto, F. R. S. (2024). La importancia de la gestión de la educación en tiro con arco en las clases de educación física y pro-gramas curriculares para que los estudiantes adquieran habilidades en muchas áreas (The Importance Of Archery Education Management In Physical Education Classes And Curriculum Programs For Students To Gain Skills In Many Areas). Retos, 53, 242–249.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 1

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +12 (Suyanto, Sumaryanto, Suharjana, José Vicente García-Jiménez, Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Nugroho Susanto, Arief Darmawan, Gusliana HB, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Hardianto, Fevi Rahmawati Suwanto)


Alim, A., Sumardi, T., Rismayanthi, C.., Yulianto, W. D.., & Shahril, M. I. (2024). Validez de contenido y confiabilidad del test de agilidad en tenis en silla de ruedas (Content validity and reliability of agility test in wheelchair tennis). Retos55, 665–671.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: -4 (Asep Angga Permadi, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali)


Alnedral, A., Jatra, R.., Firdaus, K.., Neldi, H., Bakhtiar, S.., Damrah, D., Masrun, M., Aldani, N., Yendrizal, Y., Ockta, Y., & Festiawan, R.. (2024). El efecto de un modelo de entrenamiento con enfoque holístico en el aumento de la velocidad y la agilidad en los atletas de tenis. Retos61, 1138–1145.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (Hendri Neldi, Syahrial Bakhtiar, Damrah, Masrun, Nissa Aldani, Yendrizal Yendrizal)


Andrianto, S. D., Kriswanto, E. S., Sari, I. P. T. P. S., Nopembri, S., Subagyo, S., & Sabillah, M. I. (2024). Actuar. Aplicación Fit De La Medición De La Aptitud Física Del Adulto En Indonesia (Act.Fit Application of Adult Physical Fitness Measurement in Indonesia). Retos51, 1262–1267.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: -1 (Eliminado: Aulia Gusdernawati)


Arifin, Z., Mulyana, R. B.., Sutresna, N.., Subarjah, H.., Sawali, L.., Pratama, K. W.., Sonjaya, A. R.., Ali, S. K. S.., Hasan, S. N.., Hasan, S. N.., Mustapha, A.., Razali, M. N.., Sutapa, P.., Karakauki, M.., & Hardianto, D. (2024). El efecto de la modificación del movimiento en el entrenamiento sobre la competencia de natación de los estudiantes (The effect of modification of movement in training on students’ swimming competence). Retos51, 949–954.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 15

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (La Sawali, Aida Mustapha, Muhammad Nazim Razali, Panggung Sutapa, Deni Hardianto)


Bafirman , B.., Hidayat, R. A.., Sabillah, M. I.., Rahman, D.., Zarya, F., Ockta, Y., & Festiawan, R.. (2024). El papel de la psicología del deporte en la mejora del rendimiento de las atletas de bádminton: una revisión sistemática. Retos61, 1126–1137.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 y - 1 (Additions: Bafirman, Yovhandra Ockta, Rifqi Festiawan. Eliminated: Eval Edmizal)


Chaeroni , A.., Muspardi, M., Ahmed, M., Talib, K., Orhan, B. E., Lani, M. N., Asuti, Y., & Kurnaz, M. (2024). El deporte como instrumento de nacionalismo y patriotismo: una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el papel del deporte en la formación de la identidad nacional en diversos países (Sports as an instrument of nationalism and patriotism: a systematic literature review on the role of sports in shaping national identity in various countries). Retos61, 1038–1049.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Mohd Nizam Lani, Mert Kurnaz, Yuni Astuti, Bekir Erhan Orhan)


Chaeroni , A.., Nurhasan, N., Ardha, M. A. A., Nur, L., Pranoto, N. W., Govindasamy, K., Khishe, M., Ahmed, M., & Talib, K. (2024). Exploración de ramas de la física para el manejo de varios casos en aplicaciones deportivas: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura (Exploration of branches of physics for handling several cases in sports applications: A systematic literature review). Retos56, 998–1008.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Mohammad Khishe, Mottakin Ahmed, Kamal Talib)


Chaeroni , A.., Ramdani, H. T., Orhan, B. E., Khishe, M., Govindasamy, K., Mario, D. T., Ilham, I., Talib, K., & Lani, M. N. (2024). Eficacia del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad frente al entrenamiento continuo de intensidad moderada en el consumo máximo de oxígeno (vo2peak), un parámetro cardiorrespiratorio para personas de 40 años y más: una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis (Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on peak oxygen uptake (vo2peak) a cardiorespiratory parameter for individuals aged 40 and above: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis). Retos59, 608–622.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 2

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Additions: Hasbi Taobah Ramdani, Mohammad Khishe, Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Ilham, Deby Tri Mario)


Chaeroni , A.., Al Ardha, M. A.., Nur, L., Ahmed, M., Talib, K., Orhan, B. E., Syswianti, D., Kurnaz, M., & Nizam, M. N. (2024). Comparación de género en la alfabetización física: una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de niños y adolescentes (Gender comparison in physical literacy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of children and adolescents). Retos60, 850–864.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Desy Syswianti, Mert Kurnaz, Mohd Nizam Lani)


Pratama, K. W. (2024). El efecto del entrenamiento con arco sobre la resistencia de los músculos del brazo del tiro con arco principiante (The effect of bow training on the endurance of the arm muscles of the beginner archery). Retos57, 866–872.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 14

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 15

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -3 (Añadido: Asmuddin, Heriansyah, Witri Suwanto, Manil Kara Kauki. Eliminado: Manil Karakauki, Muhammad Nazim Razali, Aida Mustapha)


Pratama, K. W., Fachrezzy, F.., Budiningsih, M.., Ali, M.., Maslikah, U., Alim, A., Pranata, D.., Saman, A., Arianto, O., Sutapa, P., Hardianto, D., Kristiyanto, A.., Ali, S. K. S.., & Kauki, M. K. (2024). Relación entre la capacidad vital pulmonar, el estado nutricional, la actividad y la motivación para hacer ejercicio en la aptitud física de los estudiantes de Yakarta (Relationship between lung vital capacity, nutritional status activity and motivation to exercise on physical fitness among students in Jakarta). Retos57, 873–880.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 14

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Doni Pranata, Abdul Saman, Oktavian Arianto, Deni Hardianto)


Festiawan, R., Sumanto, E., Febriani, A. R., Permadi, A. A., Arifin, Z., Utomo, A. W., Nugroho, W. A., & Pratama, K. W. (2024). El sistema de aprendizaje híbrido con aprendizaje basado en proyectos: ¿puede aumentar la capaci-dad de pensamiento creativo y la motivación de aprendizaje en el aprendizaje de la educación física? (The Hybrid Learning System With Project Based Learning: Can It Increase Creative Thinking Skill and Learning Motivation in Physical Education Learning?). Retos56, 1009–1015.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Additions: Eko Sumanto, Ayu Rizky Febriani, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama. Eliminated: Jajang Dede Mulyani)


Gani, I., Tomoliyus, T., Hariono, A., Pavlovic, R., Darmawan, A., Shidiq, A. A. P., & Rahmatullah, M. I. (2024). EAnálisis de las inteligencias múltiples de estudiantes de primaria en lecciones de educación física en Yogyakarta Indonesia (Analysis of Multiple Intelligence of Elementary Students in Physical Education Lessons in Yogyakarta Indonesia). Retos56, 1086–1095.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 y -6 (Additions: Arief Darmawan. Eliminated: Hendra Setyawan, José Vicente García-Jiménez, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Tiok Wijanarko, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Roziah)


Ihsan, fadli, Kozina, Z.., Sukendro, S., Nasrulloh, A.., Arzhan Hidayat, R.., & Perdana, satya. (2024). Estrategias nutricionales para una recuperación rápida en el deporte: una revisión de la literatura (Nutritional Strategies for Rapid Recovery in Sport: A Literature Review). Retos57, 153–164.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Sukendro)


Ilham, I., Sari, A. P., Bafirman, B., Rifki, M.. S., Alnedral, A., Welis, W., Umar, U., Kurniawan, R., Putra, R. A., Prasetyo, T., Car, B., Pavlovic, R., Makadada, F. A.., Perdana, G. S., Lolowang, D. M., Piri, N., Baan, A. B., & Jimenez, J. V. G. (2024). Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico (salto de vallas), el entrenamiento con peso corporal (estocada) y la velocidad en el aumento de la potencia explosiva de los músculos de las piernas de los jugadores de fútbol sala: Un diseño experimental factorial (The effect of plyometric training (hurddle jumps), body weight training (lunges) and speed on increasing leg muscle explosive power of futsal players: a factorial experimental design). Retos59, 497–508.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 18

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (Fredrik Alfrets Makadada, Glady Sukma Perdana, Djajati Mariana Lolowang, Nolfie Piri, Addriana Bulu Baan, Jose Vicente Garcia Jimenez)


Ilham, I., Agus, A., Tomoliyus, T., Sugiyanto , F., Tirtawirya, D., Lumintuarso, R., Berhimpong Willner, M., Putra Alsyifa, R., Kurniawan, R., Septri, S., Effendi, R.., Ayubi, N., Alben Suud Cahyo , A., Perdana Sukma, G., Rifki Sazeli, M., Ndayisenga, J., Sibomana, A., & Jean-Berchmans, B. (2024). Análisis comparativo del progreso de las adaptaciones en VO2máx, potencia de las piernas y agilidad entre estudiantes de ciencias del deporte masculinos y femeninos (Comparative Analysis of Adaptations Progress in VO2max, Leg Power, and Agility among Male and Female Sports Science Students). Retos57, 245–257.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 2

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 17

Differences between the authors between both moments: +15 (Ilham, Apri Agus, Tomoliyus, FX. Sugiyanto, Devi Tirtawirya, Ria Lumintuarso, Marnex Willner Berhimpong, Raffiandy Alsyifa Putra, Randi Kurniawan, Septri, Rully Effendi, Novadri Ayubi, Ary Suud Cahyo Alben, Glady Sukma Perdana, Muhamad Sazeli Rifki, Japhet Ndayisenga, Alexandre Sibomana, Bizimana Jean-Berchmans)


Jean-Berchmans, B., Ilham, I., Tomoliyus, T., Adrian Geantă, V., Ndayisenga, J., Ayubi, N., Andika, H., Erhan Orhan, B., Sukma Perdana, G.., Alfrets Makadada, F., Emor Kumenap, E., Sattu, Y., & Purwanto, D. (2024). Análisis comparativo del entrenamiento pliométrico solo y del entrenamiento pliométrico combinado con estiramientos estáticos sobre el salto vertical en estudiantes no atletas (Comparative analysis of plyometric training alone and plyometric training combined with static stretching on vertical jump in non-athlete students). Retos59, 963–970.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Vlad Adrian Geantă, Glady Sukma Perdana, Fredrik Alfrets Makadada, Eduard Emor Kumenap, Yuliana Sattu, Didik Purwanto)


Kauki, M. K., Prasetyo, Y., Rismayanthi, C., Asmuddin, A., Saman, A.., Razali, M. N.., Mustapha, A., Ali, S. K. S.., Hutkemri, H., Sutapa, P.., Hardianto, D., Auliana, R., Utami, D.., Utami, D. Y.., Riyana, A.., Amran, A., Pratama, K. W., Trisnadi, R. A., & Astuti, A. T.. (2024). Efecto de la confianza, la flexibilidad y la técnica básicas en el agua sobre la habilidad de natación de estilo libre entre alumnos de escuela primaria (Effect of Basic Water Confidence, Flexibility, and Technique on Freestyle Swimming Skill among Elementary School Pupils). Retos, 51, 1415–1423.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 1

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 17

Differences between the authors between both moments: +16 (Manil Kara Kauki, Yudik Prasetyo, Cerika Rismayanthi, Asmuddin, Abdul Saman, Muhammad Nazim Razali, Aida Mustapha, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Hutkemri, Panggung Sutapa, Deni Hardianto, Rizqie Auliana, Danarstuti Utami, Ari Tri Astuti, Desy Yunita Utami, Ardi Riyana, Amran, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Reza Adityas Trisnadi)


Komaini, A.., Andika, H., Gusti Handayani, S., Effendi, R.., Angelia, L., & Ilham, I. (2024). El papel de la realidad virtual en la mejora de las habilidades motoras de los niños: una revisión sistemática (The Role of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Motor Skills in Children: A Systematic Review). Retos, 58, 214–219.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 6

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Ilham)


Komaini, A.., Gusril, G., Andika, H., Effendi, R.., Ilham, I., Sumantri, A., Alfrets Makadada, F., & Djoiske Sumarauw, F. (2024). Actividades de motivación y juego para los movimientos básicos de los niños (Motivation and Play Activities for Children’s Basic Movements). Retos, 57, 258–263.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Ajis Sumantri, Fredrik Alfrets Makadada, Fredrik Djoiske Sumarauw)


Komaini, A.., Satria, T., Alimuddin, A., Nelson, S.., Andika, H., Gusti Handayani, S., Yulia Sari, Y., & Ilham, I. (2024). Efectividad de la implementación del aprendizaje de gimnasia en la primera infancia en comparación con el aprendizaje convencional de habilidades motoras. (Effectiveness of implementing early childhood gymnastics learning compared to conventional learning for motor skills.). Retos, 58, 403–408.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 2

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (Teguh Satria, Alimuddin Alimuddin, Sonya Nelson,  Sri Gusti Handayani, Yayang Yulia Sari, Ilham Ilham)


Latief, H.., Suherman, W. S., Rismayanthi, C.., Alim, A.., S, W., Huda, M. S., Yulianto, W. D.., & Prabowo, T. A. (2024). La influencia del rendimiento en el entrenamiento sobre la confianza en sí mismos de los deportistas en silla de ruedas con la intimidad entre el entrenador y el deportista como variable moderadora (The influence of performance in training on self-confidence of wheelchair athletes with coach-athlete intimacy as a moderating variable). Retos, 58, 760–768.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Wedi S, Muchamad Samsul Huda)


Andli Marta, I.., Oktarifaldi, O., Hatchi, I.., Wisma, N.., Rosalina, V.., S, W.., Nopembri, S.., Erhan Orhan, B.., Kurnaz, M.., & bin Shahril, M. I.. (2024). Características de las habilidades motoras gruesas de estudiantes de primaria de 7 y 8 años: un estudio transversal (Characteristics of gross motor skills of elementary school students aged 7 and 8 years: a cross-sectional study). Retos, 59, 537–546.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 y -1 (Additions: Bekir Erhan Orhan, Mert Kurnaz, Mohd Izwan bin Shahril. Eliminado: Niko Zulni Pratama)


Ngadiman, N., Festiawan, R., Istiqomah, V. D., Wahono, B. S., Mulyani, J. D., Widanita, N., & Nursantiko, D. R. (2024). Diseño potencial del sistema de información deportiva (Potential sports information system design). Retos, 59, 923–927.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 y -2 (Additions: Bayu Suko Wahono, Jajang Dede Mulyani, Neva Widanita, Duaji Rahadyan Nursantiko. Eliminated: Tringudi Prasetyo, Dewi Anggraeni)


Nusri , A., Prima, A., Ardi, N. F., Ockta, Y., Setiawan, Y., Orhan, B. E., Geantă, V. A., & Karaçam, A. (2024). Diseño de instrumento de prueba de habilidades básicas de fútbol para estudiantes universitarios (Design of basic football skills test instrument for university students). Retos, 59, 649–657.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (Yogi Setiawan, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Vlad Adrian Geantă, Aydin Karaçam)


Pratama, K. W., & Permadi, A. A. (2024). Mejorar las habilidades básicas del fútbol mediante el entrenamiento del primer toque: un estudio exhaustivo (Improving basic football skills through first touch training: a comprehensive study). Retos, 61, 1562–1569.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y - 3 (Additions: Andika Triansyah, Deni Hardianto. Eliminated: Panggung Sutapa, Muhammad Nazim Bin Razali, Aida Mustapha)


Pranoto, N. W.., fauziah, varhatun, Ockta, Y.., Zarya, F., Iswanto, A.., Hermawan, H. A.., Fitriady, G.., Geantă, V. A., Orhan, B. E., Karaçam, A., & Adıgüzel, N. S. (2024). Comparación de los niveles de ansiedad de deportistas individuales y grupales (Comparison of anxiety levels of individual and group athletes). Retos, 60, 263–268.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 (Vlad Adrian Geantă, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Aydın Karaçam, Niyazi Sıdkı Adıgüzel)


Prasetyo, T. J., Febriana, N. A., Khoiriani, I. N.., Wicaksari, S. A., Ramadhan, G. R.., Festiawan, R.., & Surijati, K. A.. (2024). El efecto de la educación sobre telenutrición sobre los porcentajes de grasa, el colesterol y la actividad física en adultos con sobrepeso (The effect of tele-nutrition education on fat percentages, cholesterol, and physical activity in adults with overweight). Retos, 60, 963–967.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 (Rifqi Festiawan, Katri Andini Surijati)


Dadang Prayoga, H., Tomoliyus, T., Lumintuarso, R., prasetyo, Y., Rini Sukamti, E., Tri Fitrianto, A., Kasanrawali, A., Arifin, R., Maulana, A., & Habibie, M. (2024). Mejorando la Probabilidad de Victorias para los Mejores Jugadores a través del Emparejamiento de Torneos por Eliminación Directa (Enhancing the Probability of Victor for Top Players via Knockout Tournament Fixture). Retos, 57, 462–472.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 2

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +8 (Ria Lumintuarso, Yudik prasetyo,Endang Rini Sukamti, Ari Tri Fitrianto, Andi Kasanrawali, Ramadhan Arifin, Ahmad Maulana, Muhammad Habibie)


Primasoni, N., Sulistiyono, S., Arjuna, F., Shidiq, A. A. P., Zuriah, N., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Harmanto, H., Bahtra, R., Ardiyanto, S. Y., Safrudin, S., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Estrategia del entrenador de fútbol en la prevención del comportamiento agresivo en adolescentes. Retos, 61, 1248–1260.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -1 (Additions: Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Nurul Zuriah, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Harmanto, Ridho Bahtra, Syaifullah Yophi Ardiyanto, Safrudin, Ratko Pavlovic. Eliminado: Hendra Setyawan)


Risnawati, R., Humaid, H.., Sulaiman, I.., Muhaimin , A.., Fikri , A., & Festiawan, R.. (2024). Desarrollo de un modelo de entrenamiento de resistencia en el rendimiento deportivo: un estudio de caso sobre carreras de larga distancia en Indonesia (Development of an endurance training model in athletic performance: a case study on long distance running in Indonesia). Retos, 60, 1222–1229.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 6

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Ali Muhaimin, Azizil Fikri, Rifqi Festiawan)


Riyana, A., Sutapa, P.., Hardianto, D., Pratama, K. W., Utami, D.., Auliana, R.., Utami, D. Y.., Trisnadi, R. A., Astuti, A. T.., Karakauki, M.., Amran, A., Ali, S. K. S.., Suhartini, B. E., Nopembri, S., Irianto, J. P., Razali, M. N.., & Mustapha, A. (2024). Article RETRACTED due to m La correlación del estatus socioeconómico con la participación de los practicantes de rafting (The Correlation of Socio-Economic Status towards Participation of Rafting Doers). Retos, 52, 225–231.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 15

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 17

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 y -1 (Additions: Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Muhammad Nazim Razali, Aida Mustapha. Eliminated: Deni Hardiano)


Setiawan, A., Akhiruyanto, A.., Haryono, S.., Aziz, Z.., Hidayah, T.., Festiawan, R., & Awaludin, I. I.. (2024). La eficacia de la terapia de masaje por fricción y frirage para reducir el dolor en las lesiones de rodilla: una revisión integral de lesiones de 1 y 2 meses de duración (The effectiveness of effriction and frirage massage therapy in reducing pain in knee injuries: a comprehensive review of 1-month and 2-month injuries duration ). Retos, 60, 1164–1168.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Iqbal Indra Awaludin)


Shidiq, A. A. P., Hidayatullah, M. F.., Doewes, M.., & Ekawati,. F. F.. (2024). Eficacia del masaje tendo-muscular para la reducción del dolor y la mejora del ROM articulación de la rodilla tras una lesión (Effectiveness of Tendo-Muscular Massage for Pain Reduction and ROM Improvement Post-Injury Knee Joint). Retos57, 818–825.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 4

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 y -1 (Añadido: Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq. Eliminado: Hendra Setyawan)


Sonjaya, A. R., Pratama, K. W., Ali, S. K. S.., Hardianto, D.., Kauki, M. K.., Sutapa, P.., Ma’mun, A., Kusmaedi, N.., Juliantine, T.., & Fauzi, M. L.. (2024). Integración de habilidades para la vida a través de actividades acuáticas en el contexto del desarrollo positivo de la juventud (pyd) (Integration of life skills through aquatic activities in the context of positive youth development (pyd)). Retos53, 598–607.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 9

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama)


Sutapa , P.., Pratama, K. W., & Mustapha, A. (2024). La relación entre el nivel de aptitud física y el nivel de depresión en la vejez según el sexo y el estado civil (The relationship between the level of physical fitness and the level of depression in elderly age based on gender and marital status). Retos53, 36–44.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 8

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama)


Amran, A., Sutikno, J., & Pratama, K. W.. (2024). Mejorar la motivación de aprendizaje de los estudiantes a través del aprendizaje diferenciado en la asignatura de educación deportiva (Improving students’ learning motivation through differentiate learning in sports education subject). Retos59, 912–922.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Doni Pranata, Septadi Hanif Pambayu, Amran, Panggung Sutapa)


Triansyah, A., Hidasari, F. P., Susanto, W.., Pranata, D.., Amran, A., & Wahyudin Pratama, K.. (2024). Aptitud física, capacidad motora, motivación y conocimientos de alfabetización física de los alumnos de primaria de la ciudad de Pontianak, Indonesia (Physical fitness, motor ability, motivation and physical literacy knowledge of primary school students in Pontianak city, Indonesia). Retos58, 707–719.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 6

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Fitriana Puspa Hidasari, Witri Suwanto, Doni Pranata)


Trisnadi, R. A., Ambardini, R. L., Kushartanti, B. W., Hardianto, D., Sutapa, P., Manil , K., Amran, A., Auliana, R.., Utami, D.., Utami, D. Y.., Riyana, A.., Astuti, A. T.., Trisnadi, S.., Widiyanto, B., Trisnani, S. M.., Ulayatilmiladiyyah, N., Sarosa, H., Wahyudin Pratama, K.., Ali, S. K. S.., Sonjaya, A. R.., Permadi, A. A., & Arifin, Z. (2024). El efecto del extracto de semilla de Salvia Hispánica L sobre los niveles de azúcar en sangre en ratas con actividad física moderada (The Effect Salvia Hispanica L Seed Extract on Blood Sugar Levels in Rats with Moderate Physical Activity). Retos51, 117–123.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 17

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 20

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -6 (Additions: Deni Hardianto, Panggung Sutapa, Manil Karakauki, Ardi Riyana, Ari Tri Astuti, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Azhar Ramadhana Sonjaya, Asep Angga Permadi, Z. Arifin. Eliminated: Yudik Prasetyo, Sumaryanti , Novita Intan Arovah , Ahmad Nasrulloh, Manil Karakauki, Ardi Riyana)


Winarno, M. E.., Ma’mun, A., Purnomo, E., & Hariadi, I. (2024). EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: This article has been temporarily withdrawn and placed under investigation for suspected manipulation of authorshipLos profesores de educación física de primaria como agentes éticos y morales de los alumnos de la generación alfa. Retos61, 1233–1238.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 1

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 4

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Amung Ma’mun, Eko Purnomo, Imam Hariadi)


Yudanto, Y., & Pratama, K. W. (2024). El efecto del método de entrenamiento y la coordinación en las habilidades de recepción del primer balón en Sepaktakraw (The Effect of Training Method and Coordination on First Ball Receiving Skills in Sepaktakraw). Retos55, 596–602.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 6

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 (Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali)


Zulbahri, Z., Putra, A. N., Syampurma, H., Wulandari , I., Lawanis , H., Sari , D. N., Sasmitha, W., Nurrochmah, S., Nurkadri, N., Putro, B. N., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Hamsyah, K., Pavlovic, R., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Rendimiento en el aprendizaje de la educación física de los alumnos de último curso de secundaria basado en el género y la revisión de la inteligencia intelectual (Physical education learning outcomes of senior high school students based on gender and intellectual intelligence review). Retos60, 362–369.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 15

Differences between the authors between both moments: +10 y -5 (Additions: Aldo Naza Putra, Hilmainur Syampurma, Indri Wulandari, Harifah Lawanis, Dessi Novita Sari, Weny Sasmitha, Siti Nurrochmah, Nurkadri, Harmanto, Khairul Hamsyah. Eliminated: Siti Nurrochmah, Hendra Setyawan, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Francesca Latino,  Özgür Eken)


Al-Selmi, A. D. H., Al-Kikani, S. A. A.-A., Obed, M. H. S., Najm, H. H., Abuzaid, S. M., Ahmed, R. G. T., Soniawan, V., Okilanda, A.., Ridwan, M., Argantos, A., Irawadi, H., & Syaputri, W. (2024). El efecto de ejercicios especiales que utilizan algunas herramientas auxiliares para desarrollar algunas habilidades biocinéticas y la precisión de los golpes de derecha aplastantes y de arranque entre los jugadores de badminton. Retos62, 189–195.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 8

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +4 (M Ridwan, Argantos, Hendri Irawadi, Wuri Syaputri)


Dwihandaka, R.., Ihsan, F., Nugroho, S.., Kozina, Z., & Arzhan Hidayat, R.. (2024). Resiliencia psicológica y rendimiento bajo presión: un estudio de jugadores de bádminton de élite - una revisión sistemática. Retos62, 110–121.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 5

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 y -1 (Additions: Riky Dwihandaka. Eliminado: Ahmad Nasrulloh)


A, P.., Ihsan, F., Sukendro, S., Kozina, Z.., Yusradinafi, Y., kurniawan, A.., & Suidrawanty Pratiwi, A.. (2024). Optimización de un programa de entrenamiento de resistencia para aumentar la fuerza muscular: un enfoque de planificación integral - una revisión sistemática. Retos62, 232–242.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -2 (Additions: Palmizal. A, Sukendro, Yusradinafi, Alexander kurniawan, Ayudya Suidrawanty Pratiwi. Eliminado: Rezha Arzhan Hidayat, Ahmad Nasrulloh)


Chaeroni , A.., Talib, K., Lani, M. N., Kurnaz, M., Orhan, B. E., Sepdanius, E., & Konar, N. (2024). Revisión sistemática y metanálisis del efecto de la fatiga muscular sobre la biomecánica del rango de movimiento articular (ROM) en el bádminton. Retos62, 492–502.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -1 (Additions: Mohd Nizam Bin Lani, Mert Kurnaz, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Endang Sepdanius, Nurettin Konar. Eliminado: Mottakin Ahmed)


Santosa, T., Pratama, R. S., Hafidz, A., Nurhasan, N., Nadzalan, A. M., Tulyakul, S., Pranoto, N. W., Kurnaz, M., Eken, Özgür, & Purwoto, S. P. (2024). Mejora de la capacidad de conducción de derecha en el tenis de mesa después del ejercicio utilizando la tabla de retorno Estudiantes de secundaria. Retos62, 637–645.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y -1 (Additions: Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Mert Kurnaz. Eliminado: Sunanto Sunanto)


Pranoto, N. W.., Andika, H., Ockta, Y., Firdaus, K., Hendri, N., Zarya, F., Geantă, V. A., Karaçam, A., & fauziah, varhatun. (2024). El efecto del entrenamiento sobre la flexibilidad: un estudio de caso de deportistas y no deportistas. Retos62, 974–978.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 7

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y -1 (Additions: Heru Andika, Yovhandra Ockta, Kamal Firdaus, Nofri Hendri, Fiky Zarya, Vlad Adrian Geantă, Aydın Karaçam. Eliminado: varhatun fauziah)


Agustina, D., Rismayanthi, C., Rozi, M. F., Gandasari, M. F., Da’i, M., Sumaryanti, S., Yuniana, R., Mashud, M., Suganda, M. A., Dewantara, J., & Suryadi, D. (2024). ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la técnica de tiro y la cinemática del puntero en los deportistas principiantes? Un estudio sobre el deporte de la petanca. Retos62, 705–714.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -4 (Additions: Dina Agustina, Cerika Rismayanthi, Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Maharani Fatima Gandasari, Mohamad Da'i, Sumaryanti, Rina Yuniana,  Mikkey Anggara Suganda, Julian Dewantara. Eliminated: Eka Abdurrahman, Nasuka Nasuka, Sulaiman Sulaiman, Hermawan Pamot Raharjo)


Sugiatno, S., Amalia, A., Wati, I. D. P., Samodra, Y. T. J.., Gandasari, M. F., Sumarsono, A., Suryadi, D., Bayu, W. I., Saleh, M. S., & Making, M. M. (2024). La relación entre los conocimientos básicos de aritmética y la actividad física en los niños: una revisión bibliográfica. Retos62, 1005–1016.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 7

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +3 (Wahyu Indra Bayu, Muhammad Sahib Saleh; Melkior Muda Making)


Yewen, O., Widiyanto, W., Padli, P., Sabillah, M. I.., Zarya, F.., Haryanto, J.., Geanta, V. A.., Ndayisenga, J.., Falahudin, A.., Salahudin, S., Furkan, F., & Ardiansyah, A.. (2024). Aumento de la potencia muscular de las piernas y la fuerza muscular de los brazos de los atletas de baloncesto: a través de método de entrenamiento complejo y entrenamiento de peso corporal en circuito (Increased leg muscle power and arm muscle strength of basketball athletes: through complex training method and circuit body weight training). Retos60, 1213–1221.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 y -3 (Additions: Widiyanto, Jeki Haryanto, Japhet ndayisenga, Ardhika Falaahudin, Salahudin, Furkan. Eliminated: Bernadeta Suhartini, Khairani Faizah, Salahudin Salahudin)


Pratama, K. W., Suharjana, S., Nasrulloh, A., Sabrin, L. O. M.., Pranata, D.., Pambayu, S. H.., Hardianto, D.., Sutapa, P.., Auliana, R.., Karakauki, M.., Utami, D.., Riyana, A.., Astuti, A. T.., Utami, D. Y.., Trisnadi, R. A.., Amran, A., Ali, S. K. S.., Mustapha, A.., Razali, M. N.., Sonjaya, A. R.., Permadi, A. A.., & Arifin, Z.. (2024). Identificación RED-S en deportista femenina (RED-S Identification on Female Athlete). Retos51, 1055–1061.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 16

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 22

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (La Ode Maklum Sabrin, Doni Pranata, Septadi Hanif Pambayu, Deni Hardianto, Aida Mustapha, Muhammad Nazim Razali)


Ahmad, A., Putri, M. E., Rugaiyah, R., Asnawi, A., Morni, A. B., Setyawan, H., Sulistiyo, S., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Zulbahri, Z., Tafuri, F., & Latino, F.. (2024). Integración del aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa y el desarrollo motor de los alumnos de primaria mediante la animación de vídeo interactiva basada en el movimiento. Retos61, 1653–1662.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 (Sulistiyo, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Zulbahri, Francesco Tafuri, Francesca Latino)


Rahayu, A., Setyawan, H., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Hendri, N., Safrudin, S., Nurkadri, N., Gontara , S. Y., Arien, W., Susanto, S., & Sanjaykumar, S. (2024). Estrategias para aumentar la actividad física de los niños de primaria en la era digital para favorecer un estilo de vida saludable. Retos61, 1410–1421.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +10 y -2 (Additions: Atikah Rahayu, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Nofri Hendri, Safrudin, Nurkadri, Satria Yudi Gontara, Wilasari Arien, Susanto, Swamynathan Sanjaykumar. Eliminated: Rahayu Atikah, Zulbahri Zulbahri)


Ngatman, N., Setyawan, H., Amajida, A., Gontara, S. Y., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Prueba de Validez, fiabilidad y relevancia del «Test de Rally de Kemp-Vincent» para el nivel de habilidades técnicas básicas de la práctica del tenis en estudiantes de FIK UNY. Retos61, 1619–1627.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 6

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 5

Differences between the authors between both moments: -1 (Gusliana HB)


Destriani, D., Yusfi, H., Destriana, D., Setyawan, H., García-Jiménez, J. V., Latino, F., Tafuri, F., Wijanarko, T., Kurniawan, A. W., Anam, K., Shidiq, A. A. P., Rahmatullah, M. I., & Eken, Özgür. (2024).  Resultados de las habilidades de tiro con arco para principiantes entre adolescentes según la revision de género y la distancia de tiro (Results of Beginner Archery Skills Among Adolescents Based on Gender Review and Shot Distance) . Retos56, 887–894.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 13

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +1 y -1 (Añadido: Tiok Wijanarko. Eliminado: Nugroho Susanto)


Suyato, S., Setyawan, H., Sukarti, S. E. E., Shidiq, A. A. P., Darmawan, A., HB, G., Zulbahri, Z., Eken, Özgür, Pavlovic, R., Latino, F., & Tafuri, F. (2024).  La integración de los valores sociales en la educación física y el deporte para la formación del carácter de los alumnos adolescentes: una revisión sistemática (The integration of social values in physical education and sport to develop teenage students’ character: a systematic review). Retos58, 960–968.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +2 y -1 (Additions: Sri Endang Edi Sukarti, Francesco Tafuri. Eliminado: Ngatman Ngatman)


Rosidah, R., Setyawan, H., Mardiyah, S. U. K., Wisataone, V., Wolor, C. W., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Harmanto, H., Safrudin, S., Gontara , S. Y.., Arien, W., Susanto, S., & Eken, Özgür. (2024).  Gestión de recursos humanos de profesores de Educación Física para alumnos con necesidades especiales en escuelas inclusivas. Retos61, 1495–1509.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +11 y -1 (Additions: Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, Voettie Wisataone, Christian Wiradendi Wolor, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Harmanto, Safrudin, Satria Yudi Gontara, Wilasari Arien, Susanto, Özgür Eken. Eliminado: Zulbahri Zulbahri)


Sulistiyo, S., Setyawan, H., Primasoni, N., Widiyanto, W., Fudin, M. S., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Pranoto, N. W., Gontara , S. Y., Arien, W., Susanto, S., Wahyuni, D., & Sanjaykumar, S. (2024). Las relaciones emocionales entre el entrenador y el deportista en el fútbol y su impacto en la motivación de logro. Retos61, 1520–1533.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +11 y -1 (Additions: Sulistiyo, Widiyanto, Muhammad Soleh Fudin, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Satria Yudi Gontara, Wilasari Arien, Susanto, Deasy Wahyuni, Swamynathan Sanjaykumar. Eliminado: Zulbahri Zulbahri)


Mulyanti, C., Setyawan, H., Widiyanto, W., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Pranoto, N. W., Safrudin, S., Nurkadri, N., Shidiq, A. A. P., Syafitra, V., Eken, Özgür, & Sanjaykumar, S. (2024). Descanso activo con ejercicio para trabajadores de farmacia: un enfoque ergonómico para prevenir el riesgo de lesiones musculoesqueléticas. Retos61, 1546–1554.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +10 y -1 (Additions: Widiyanto, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Safrudin, Nurkadri, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Viony Syafitra, Özgür Eken, Swamynathan Sanjaykumar. Eliminado: Rahayu Atikah)


Sayekti, O. M., Efendi, A., Sujarwo, S., Setyawan, H., Sunaryo, H., Sahabuddin, S., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Harmanto, H., Putro, B. N., Susanto, S., Zulbahri, Z., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Análisis del papel del entrenamiento de habilidades motrices en la capacidad de lectura crítica en alumnos de primaria. Retos61, 1101–1115.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 4

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 (Hari Sunaryo, Sahabuddin, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Harmanto, Baskoro Nugroho Putro, Susanto, Zulbahri, Ratko Pavlovic)


Harmanto, H., Setyawan, H., Hamsyah, K., Umar, F., Safrudin, S., Bahriyanto , A., Yeni, M., Ginting , A., Novita , N.., Nurkadri, N., Darmawan, A., HB, G., Pranoto, N. W., & Pavlovic, R. (2024).  Integración de la educación para la ciudadanía en las clases de educación física de secundaria en Indonesia: un enfoque para reducir la degradación del carácter (Integrating citizenship education into secondary school physical education lessons in Indonesia: an approach to reducing character degradation). Retos60, 865–876.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 11

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 14

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -6 (Additions: Khairul Hamsyah, Safrudin, Ahmad Bahriyanto, Andarias Ginting, Novita, Nurkadri, Arief Darmawan, Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Ratko Pavlovic. Eliminated: Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Deasy Wahyuni, Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri, Roziah Roziah, Asmiati Asmiati)


Akhmad, I., Heri, Z., Hariadi , H.., Nurkadri, N., Novita , N.., Ali, S. K. S., Mohamed, M. F.., Ismail, W. M., Balakrishnan, V. A., Gontara, S. Y., & Setyawan, H. (2024). Niveles de actividad física entre los estudiantes de la Universidad de Malasia y la Universidad Estatal de Medan: disparidad de género e influencia del IMC (Physical activity levels among Malaysian University and State University of Medan Students: gender difference and the influence of BMI). Retos60, 429–438.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 3

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +9 y -1 (Additions: Imran Akhmad, Zulfan Heri, Hariadi Hariadi, Nurkadri, Novita Novita,  Mohd Faisal Mohamed, Wail Muin Ismail, Vishalache A/P Balakrishnan, Satria Yudi Gontara. Eliminated: Zulbahri Zulbahri)


Adirahma, A. S., Widiyanto, W. E., Setyawan, H., Hamsyah, K., Darmawan, A., Nurkadri, N., Novita , N.., Safrudin, S., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Pranoto, N. W.., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Estrategia de gestión del entrenamiento de bádminton con el método de entrenamiento en circuito para mejorar el rendimiento deportivo de los estudiantes (Badminton training management strategy with circuit training method to improve athlete performance among students). Retos61, 108–120.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 y -5 (Additions: Ahmad Septiandika Adirahma, Khairul Hamsyah, Nurkadri, Novita Novita, Safrudin, Harmanto, Nuridin Widya Pranoto. Eliminated: Zulbahri Zulbahri, Baskoro Nugroho Putro, Özgür Eken, Francesco Tafuri, Francesca Latino)


Wayoi, D. S., Setyawan, H., Suyanto, S., Prasetyo, Y., Lastiono, S. T.., Nurkadri, N., Putro, B. N., Harmanto, H., Darmawan, A., HB, G., & Eken, Özgür. (2024).  Implementación de la gestión del programa de educación física para los pacientes de rehabilitación de drogas en el centro de terapia para drogadictos (Implementing management of the physical fitness education program for the drug rehabilitation patients in drug addict therapy centre). Retos60, 309–319.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 12

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 11

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 y -8 (Additions: Suyanto, Yudik Prasetyo, Nurkadri, Baskoro Nugroho Putro, Harmanto, Arief Darmawan, Özgür Eken. Eliminated: José Vicente García-Jiménez, Ratko Pavlovic, Agnieszka Magdalena Nowak, Nugroho Susanto, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Roziah, Khoiril Anam)


Putro, B. N., Nurkadri, N., Sahabuddin, S., Laksana, A. A. N. P., Setyawan, H., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Darmawan, A., Tafuri, F., & Latino, F. (2024).  Logro de los resultados del aprendizaje de la educación física de los estudiantes de último curso de secundaria en función del sexo y la frecuencia de estudio (Examining physical education learning outcomes of senior high school students: the impact of gender and learning frequency). Retos60, 393–404.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -4 (Additions: Nurkadri, Sahabuddin, Anak Agung Ngurah Putra Laksana, Harmanto, Arief Darmawan. Eliminated: Arief Darmawan, Zulbahri Zulbahri, Özgür Eken, Ratko Pavlovic)


Ardiyanto, S. Y., HB, G., Nurkadri, N., Novita , N.., Bahriyanto, A., Setyawan, H., Putro, B. N., Harmanto, H., Darmawan, A., Latino, F., & Tafuri, F. (2024).  Perspectivas jurídicas y sociales del fenómeno de la violencia de los hinchas en el deporte (Legal and social perspectives on the phenomena of supporter violence in sport). Retos60, 232–241.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 9

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +6 y -5 (Additions: Nurkadri, Novita, Ahmad Bahriyanto, Baskoro Nugroho Putro, Harmanto, Arief Darmawan. Eliminated: Baskoro Nugroho Putro, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Zulbahri Zulbahri, Özgür Eken, Ratko Pavlovic)


HB, G., Ardiyanto, S. Y., Nurkadri, N., Novita, N., Widiyanto, W. E., Setyawan, H., Putro, B. N., Harmanto, H., Darmawan, A., & Radulovic, N. (2024).  Garantizar la equidad y la transparencia en el deporte mediante el respeto de los principios jurídicos y las normas éticas (Ensuring fairness and transparency in sports through compliance to legal principles and ethical standards). Retos60, 204–216.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 10

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -5 (Additions: Nurkadri, Novita, Wahyu Eko Widiyanto, Harmanto, Nikola Radulovic. Eliminated: Zulbahri Zulbahri, Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri, Özgür Eken, Ratko Pavlovic)


Zuriah, N., Sunaryo, H., Lutfiana, R. F., Setyawan, H., Sulistiyo, S., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Harmanto, H., Gontara , S. Y., Ardiyanto, S. Y., Susanto, S., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Reforzar el perfil de estudiante Pancasila para los ciudadanos indonesios mediante la educación física en la escuela. Retos61, 1261–1275.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +7 y -5 (Additions: Rose Fitria Lutfiana, Sulistiyo, Sabariah, Rufi’i, , Syaifullah Yophi Ardiyanto, Susanto, Ratko Pavlovic. Eliminated: Safrudin Safrudin, Nurkadri Nurkadri, Novita Novita , Gusliana HB, Özgür Eken)


Elvira, E., Setyawan, H., Sulistiyo, S., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Harmanto, H., Safrudin, S., Nurkadri, N., Gontara , S. Y., Arien, W., Susanto, S., & Pavlovic, R. (2024). Análisis político legal de la implementación de escuelas inclusivas en Educación Física (ef): desafíos de recursos humanos e infraestructura para alumnos con necesidades especiales. Retos61, 1371–1383.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 12

Differences between the authors between both moments: +5 y -3 (Additions: Sulistiyo, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Wilasari Arien, Susanto. Eliminated: Khairul Hamsyah, Suyanto Suyanto, Gusliana HB)


Nurkadri, N., Akhmad, I., Suharta, A.., Pujianto, D., Laksana, A. A. N. P., Siong, N. U., Hafiz, E., Setyawan, H., Hamsyah, K., Sabariah, S., Rufi’i, R., Shidiq, A. A. P., & Syafitra, V. (2024).  El papel de la tecnología digital inteligente para llevar puesta en la medición del VO2MAX para apoyar el rendimiento de los atletas y la salud pública (The role of digital smart wearable technology in measuring VO2MAX to support athlete performance and public health). Retos61, 1534–1545.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that the authorship of the article has been manipulated. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were needed. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. Likewise, a large number of citations and references were manipulated. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 2

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 13

Differences between the authors between both moments: +11 (Additions: Imran Akhmad, Asep Suharta, Dian Pujianto, Anak Agung Ngurah Putra Laksana, Nguang Ung Siong, Eliza Hafiz, Khairul Hamsyah, Sabariah, Rufi’i, Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq, Viony Syafitra)