Publications standards

Documents to be sent:

Papers will be sent to the Pixel-Bit. editorial team through its management platform (Open Journal System-OJS). The submission consists of three documents: 1st file with the original article (attached in the original file of the OJS system without any reference to the authors in order to be evaluated by blind peers) in accordance with the guidelines, 2nd authors' data (attached in files ad. OJS system), and 3rd assignment of rights and commitments (attached in files ad. OJS system).

Before submitting in the OJS system, it is important that you review the Checklist for Submission Preparation and make sure that both the author(s) and the manuscript meet the established requirements.

  • Manuscript

The manuscript file should be sent without authors, which will be the one to be sent to the reviewers, so it should lack any sign that allows the identification of the authors. The manuscript should be formatted according to the template proposed by Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal. Papers that do not have the format proposed in the template will not be accepted. 

Exceptionally, and by plenary decision of the Editorial Board, articles with a longer length may be accepted, upon justified request of the person in charge of the publication to the e-mail address




  • Assignment of rights and commitments document

A document of assignment of rights and commitments completed and signed by all the authors of the manuscript, which can be downloaded below, stating that the article is unpublished, that it has not been sent to any other journal and/or publisher, acceptance of modifications in the body of the article and assignment of rights for the publication of the work submitted to the journal, for scientific and cultural purposes and not for profit, both in the printed and electronic versions.

By signing this document, the author/s will provide access to the primary sources from which they have obtained data for the preparation of the manuscript and declare not to commit fraud in the cases of falsification or omission of data, plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

Likewise, the author/s declare that the manuscript submitted is not a duplicate publication, exempting Píxel-Bit from any responsibility.

In this document the authors will also declare that there is no conflict of interest and that they have respected the ethical principles of research.

If an author considers that it is of interest to publish in Píxel-Bit, an article previously published in any other medium, he/she must expressly state this and obtain the authorizations of the Directors involved in the respective publications, and the readers will be informed at the time of publication in a note prior to the body of the article that it is a previously published article.


  • Authors' data

Also, a document with the data of the authors submitting the manuscript must be sent through the Journal's OJS system, which can be downloaded below, including:

a) Title of the article in Spanish and English. It must be brief and sufficiently significant and unequivocally reflect the central theme of the article, for which reason the use of descriptors of the article's specialty, extracted from the thesauri of application, is recommended. It will occupy a maximum of two lines (exceptionally, up to three lines will be admitted if it is absolutely necessary), the use of symbols or formulas is not allowed, it will be written in capital letters and bold, and centered horizontally.

b) List of authors, with the e-mail address of all authors, ORCID, complete professional affiliation, mailing address for each author and details of the person responsible for the correspondence. The maximum number of authors allowed is 4. The breakdown of items and their presentation is as follows.

1. Nombre/s y apellidos completos del autor o autores (primera letra de cada uno de ellos en mayúscula, resto en minúsculas), aquellos autores que ostenten el grado de Doctor deberán indicarlo anteponiendo al nombre la abreviatura, tal como sigue, Dr. o Dra, no se especificará la profesión de los autores, ni tampoco el cargo de responsabilidad que desempeñen.

El orden de presentación de los autores ha de respetar las normas de las bases de datos internacionales para indexación de autores y páginas web, véase al efecto La revista respetará escrupulosamente el orden de prelación de autoría fijado por los autores de los manuscritos, entendiendo que las personas que aparecen como autores están cualificadas para hacerse públicamente responsables del contenido del artículo, por ello se entiende haber participado en la concepción y diseño, o análisis e interpretación de los datos; redacción o elaboración del borrador del artículo, o revisión crítica del contenido intelectual relevante; visto bueno definitivo de la versión a publicar.

2. Dirección de correo electrónico de cada autor bajo el nombre.

3. Código ORCID de cada autor del manuscrito. 

4.  Nombre del centro de trabajo habitual, que en el caso de los docentes sería:

Universidad–Facultad o Escuela–Departamento, cuando todos los/as autores/as trabajen en un mismo centro bastará con que se indique a continuación del último autor/a; en el caso de autores que desempeñen su actividad en centros diferentes se identificarán por centros a través del empleo de superíndices, a continuación del nombre y apellidos, y a continuación del último autor, se indicarán en orden correlativo los diferentes centros.

5.  Responsable de correspondencia, con indicación de la dirección postal: centro de trabajo, calle y número, código postal, provincia, país. También se facilitará el número de teléfono y/o fax de contacto, en formato internacional e indicando a que medio se hace referencia de manera abreviada (Tel., Fax).