Students perceptions about distance learning during COVID-19.
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Distance education
cultural contexts
social inequality
access to education
COVID-19 Educación a distancia
contextos culturales
desigualdad social
acceso a la educación

How to Cite

Dominguez Castillo, J. G., Cisneros-Cohernour, E. J., Ortega Maldonado, A., & Ortega Carrillo, J. A. (2022). Students perceptions about distance learning during COVID-19.: Percepciones de estudiantes acerca de la enseñanza a distancia durante la COVID-19. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 65, 237–273.


This article arises as a result of the great uncertainty that currently exists in the educational context as a consequence of the implementation of an emergency model of distance education in times of COVID-19 throughout the world. The work provides the perspective of 2063 students from diverse contexts in the Mexican Southeast, who answered an instrument that evaluates four domains of the distance learning process: assignments and strategies, course design, communication and interaction, content and attitude. There were notable differences in the perceptions of urban and rural students in all the domains evaluated. Communication and interaction obtained the highest scores for students in rural and urban contexts, in contrast, the lowest scores recorded for both contexts were: Design of assignments and strategies for urban contexts and the Attitude domain for rural contexts. One of the conclusions of this study shows the disadvantages of students belonging to rural communities and the possible increase in inequality gaps in access to knowledge during confinement.
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