Young language learners usually make an association between words and objects to understand the abstract of things; the words that are related to images, animations or sounds, facilitate the understanding and assimilation of what is learned and increase their interest in knowledge. This work shows a project focused on language learning, which is crystallized through a system, based on augmented reality, that serves as a learning platform, which helps both teaching and understanding abstract concepts. The system includes vocabularies that are associated with words, which are stored in a database with different formats, such as 2D and 3D images, text, video and audio, which are associated with items whose content is to represent abstract entities for train the reading, writing and pronunciation of a language. In addition, this system allows a virtual advisor to interact with the user via the internet, which facilitates distance learning with an iterative operation (self-evaluation). Finally, the system was evaluated by elementary students where their comments were very promising for the implementation of a Flipped Learning pedagogical model in Mexican public schools.
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