Identity Construction and Video Games: Political and Cultural Analysis of Teen Fortnite Players
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Análisis de discurso
Game Studies
Tipología de jugadores Fortnite
Discourse analysis
Game Studies
Gamer taxonomy

How to Cite

Etura Hernández, D., Gutiérrez Sanz, V., & Gómez García, S. (2022). Identity Construction and Video Games: Political and Cultural Analysis of Teen Fortnite Players: [Identity Construction and Video Games: Political and Cultural Analysis of Teen Fortnite Players]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 65, 209–235.


Fortnite is an online game with more than 250 million players. In this research, a study of cultural and political identities of a group of teenage Fortnite players is proposed based on their discursive manifestations. Our methodology proposes an analysis of the discursive manifestations expressed in a focus group to study how the game acts as a vehicle in the process of presenting identity in everyday life. This research focus in patterns of teenager’s behavior in the new digital contexts and the features of the relationship established between the players based on their different profiles. The results show how the players are ranked and related depending on the identity they build during the game. Also, this prove that the discourse studies is an important and useful tool for future research in videogames.
PDF (Español/English) (Español (España))


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