Construtivist and collaborative methodology mediated by ICT in Higher Education / / Constructivismo y metodología colaborativa mediada por TIC en educación superior usando webquest
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Métricas alternativas


Cooperative Learning
Formative Evaluation
Web Based Instruction
Information Management
Classroom Techniques

How to Cite

Corujo Vélez, M. C., Gómez del Castillo, M. T., & Merla-González, A. E. (2020). Construtivist and collaborative methodology mediated by ICT in Higher Education / / Constructivismo y metodología colaborativa mediada por TIC en educación superior usando webquest. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 57, 7–57.


We present an investigation based in a learning experience mediated with ICT in higher education. The objective is to show students of the Degree of Primary Education how to use WebQuests or Scavenger Hunts, to apply them as future teachers. To achieve this intention there was applied a cooperative and participative methodology as well as a mixed methodology, although the quantitative elements predominate over the qualitative ones. In addition, it was also employed different evaluations throughout the process, which allowed us to evaluate and contrast the results.

The conclusions are favorable with respect to the learnings made by the students, in their evaluative, didactic and technological competences.
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