Phubbing, the act of ignoring someone in favor of a mobile phone, has become a prevalent social issue in today’s digital era. This study aimed to identify necessary conditions for phubbing behavior, focusing on correlates established by Schneider and Hitsfeld (2021). Utilizing data from their survey, the study analyzed a sample of 278 participants, mainly female (74%), with an average age of 26.78 years. The methodology employed Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). The results revealed that younger age is a significant factor in higher levels of self-phubbing. Specifically, the study found that in contexts with high levels of self-phubbing, youth was a critical determinant. Furthermore, being Permanently Online and Connected emerged as a critical factor in self-phubbing, especially at higher levels, suggesting an increasing dependency on being constantly connected. The study concludes that other variables such as Fear of Missing Out and Mobile Phone Use Norms do not appear to be necessary conditions for phubbing. These findings highlight the multifaceted nature of phubbing and underscore the importance of NCA in revealing the essential conditions contributing to this behavior.
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