Validation of content of a scale on attitudes towards programming and computational thinking in primary school teachers using the Delphi method
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pensamiento computacional
Robótica educativa
método Delphi
selección de expertos
instrumento de medida programming
computacional thinking
educational robotics
Delphi method
selection of experts
Measuring instrument

How to Cite

Gonzalez Cervera, A., Martín-Carrasquilla, O., & Gonzaléz-Arechavala, Y. (2024). Validation of content of a scale on attitudes towards programming and computational thinking in primary school teachers using the Delphi method. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal.


Technological advancement and the changing global landscape have presented unique challenges and opportunities to education systems around the world. For example, the teaching of programming and computational thinking has been introduced in many curricula, as reflected in the recent educational law, LOMLOE, in Spain. This incorporation implies the preparation of teachers in the methodological, didactic and technological order to face this challenge. Therefore, a scale has been designed and validated to measure the attitudes of Primary Education teachers towards programming, considering it as a resource to develop computational thinking. The methodology used was the Delphi method, with the participation of twelve experts with a high level of expert competence. After a rigorous two-round process, a consensus was reached and the final structure of the scale was established. The scale is composed of 33 items distributed in five dimensions: self-efficacy, perceived social usefulness, relevance of teaching for students, interest and gender perception. According to the panel of experts, the measuring scale is a valid instrument to determine the level of self-efficacy, interest and perception of usefulness and relevance of teachers to programming.
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