About the Journal

In the contexts in which we move, in which the "Information and Communication Technologies" (ICT), become an element of development and empowerment of our schools and training institutions.

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal (ISSN: 1133- 8482 - E-ISSN 2171-7966), aims to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and research on the application of ICT, regardless of the format in which they are presented and the training contexts in which they are developed, whether formal, non-formal, or informal, and educational level.

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal aims to be a channel for the distribution and exchange of ideas and information among researchers from different countries and communities, with a clear international vocation, concerned about the introduction, improvement and understanding of ICT in training processes.

With this digital version we intend, not only to offer easy access to all the documents already published, but also to offer new tools such as the search of articles by different criteria; that the authors who have submitted manuscripts for publication know the status of the same in the process of review-evaluation-acceptance-publication through OJS-


 Focus and Scope

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is a publication belonging to the Didactic Research Group (HUM-390 of PAI) of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Seville (Spain). Widely distributed in the Ibero-American area, it is an interdisciplinary research publication of a scientific-academic nature, which aims to promote the exchange of ideas and work in the field of audiovisual media, computer science and information and communication technologies applied to the educational field.

It presents an editorial line focused on the publication of research works in education and media, offering a new instrument of analysis, reflection and construction of proposals about education and ICT, which contribute to improve the educational conditions, within the framework of the integral development of the university community. It is aimed at experts, researchers, members of the educational community, those responsible for the technological areas of educational centers and/or institutional planning, graduate students and those who wish to specialize in the area of new technologies and their educational applications.

In order to promote research in the field of education and communications, Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is configured as a reference in the field of education, fostering research in the field of ICT and promoting the exchange of knowledge on research derived from them.

Due to the large number of articles received in Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, we need to make some editorial adjustments in order to meet the new demands:

(a) Publication Limitation for Doctoral Students: from now on, only one article per year will be published per author who is pursuing a doctoral degree. This measure seeks to diversify the works presented and allow for a greater variety of research.

(b) Priority to Current Topics: Priority will be given to papers that address current and relevant topics in the field of education and ICT. We want to ensure that our publications reflect the most recent trends and challenges, thus offering content that is of maximum usefulness and relevance to our readers.

Published works are identified by Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).


 Alcance y política

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is collected by the author Checa (2002) in his book "Historia de la prensa pedagógica en España" in the following terms: "The following year, in January 1994, Píxel-Bit began, an organ of the Secretariat of Audiovisual Resources and New Technologies of the University of Sevilla, an excellent and innovative biannual publication, with an electronic edition. Directed by Julio Cabero Almenara, it is subtitled "Media & Education Journal", its austere presence hides a publication of notable interest, where very diverse topics have been approached with rigor" (147). It is a publication of international scope that has been published uninterruptedly every six months since 1994, with two annual issues, January and July. As of January 2019, due to the demand of authors and readers, the periodicity has become four-monthly, being published in January, May and September. Extraordinary issues may be published on an exceptional basis if the subject matter and/or interest so indicates.

Píxel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is published in compliance with rigorous indexing standards, presenting abstracts and keywords in Spanish and English and accepting articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English.


Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal  publishes unpublished works that at the time of their evaluation are not being evaluated by other publications and/or publishers, and the authors are responsible for their compliance.

Those manuscripts sent to the Píxel-Bit secretariat, and it is detected that they have been previously published, will be immediately rejected. They should deal with topics related to ICT and advanced technologies applied to teaching and should mainly deal with projects, research and, to a lesser extent, experiences. Reflections and proposals in the field of communication and education, as well as in the innovative didactic use of the media in the teaching of any area of knowledge and level of education are also accepted. As well as reviews on published books that are of interest to the scientific community in the area, or related.


 Double-blind peer review

Authors will be automatically informed of the reception of the article through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

Once the article has been received and analyzed by the Editorial Team of Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, in terms of subject matter, formal aspects and pertinence of the publication, the authors will be informed of:

a) the formatting modifications that may need to be made before submission to the reviewers if these are superficial.

b) non-publication if it does not conform to the thematic line of the journal, or if the necessary modifications are considered important, or if they have not been taken into account in due time and form.

Once the above requirements have been met, the manuscripts submitted will be "peer reviewed" following the double-blind peer review system by expert reviewers in the subject matter, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and reviewers throughout the process.  In the event of a discrepancy between the evaluations issued, a third evaluation will be carried out. At all times the evaluators will act under the criteria of competence, confidentiality, impartiality and honesty, diligence, respect and courtesy.

In this process, the Editorial Team will send to the evaluators the articles to be refereed, as well as the protocol and the evaluation document to be completed through the Journal's management platform.

The reviewers will be sent the summary page and the body of the article, eliminating the identity of the authors and any other data referring to them. And to the authors, the Secretary will send within a maximum period of 15 working days, through the journal's management platform, the verdicts of the reviewers, without mentioning the identification of the authors, or any other data that makes it possible.


 Declaración ética y conflictos de intéres de la publicación

        Ethical politics


The authors of manuscripts submitted to Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal guarantee that the work submitted is original and that the manuscripts themselves do not contain extracts from other authors, nor do they contain other fragments of written works that were previously published (by the same authors). Moreover, the authors confirm the veracity of the data, namely that the empirical data have not been altered to verify the hypothesis.

Regarding the authorship of the work, the authors guarantee that they have organized themselves hierarchically according to their level of responsibility and their respective roles.

All authors accept responsibility for what they have written, by accepting and signing the Document of Assignment of Rights and Commitments.


The reviewers undertake to carry out a critical, honest, constructive and objective review of both the scientific part of the manuscript, as well as the literary quality of the written work, based on the Manuscript Evaluation Protocol.

Likewise, they commit themselves to evaluate the works within the time stipulated by the Editorial Team, in order to respect the deadlines established in our Publication Policy, accepting the evaluation if they are competent in the assigned subject and if there is no conflict of interest with the assigned manuscript.

The reviewers will submit a complete and critical report with appropriate references according to the review protocol of Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación and the common standards established for reviewers, especially if the work is to be recommended for rejection. They are also obliged to advise the editors if there are articles that have been previously published, or if they are in the process of review by another publication.


The Editors and the entire Editorial Team of Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers, in such a way that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.

The editors are responsible for meeting the deadlines for review and publication of accepted papers, to ensure the rapid dissemination of their results. Deadlines will range from 30 days to accept / reject from the receipt of the manuscript in the review platform and a maximum of 120 days from the start of the peer review process.

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal adheres to the ethical standards of COPE Commitée on Publication Ethics described in http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct.


      Conflict of Interests

Journal Policy on Authors' Conflicts of Interest (CdI)

All authors of an article must express in writing a possible Conflict of Interest.


Journal Policy on Conflicts of Interest of Reviewers

Reviewers, who are considered experts in their field, and in whom the manuscript is placed, will act under the criteria of impartiality, objectivity, promptness, confidentiality, respect and acknowledgment of uncited sources. They should work in solidarity with the editorial line drawn and declare possible conflicts of interest.

Reviewers are required to explicitly declare whether they have potential CoI with the assigned manuscript.


Journal Policy on Conflicts of Interest of Editors

The editors of Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, will preserve at all times the identity of the authors and the content of the manuscript while it is being published.

Editors must submit a written statement of their possible CoI.


 Privacy Policy

The identity of the author/s submitting a manuscript for evaluation will be preserved by the Editorial Team and the members of the Editorial Board while it is being published and Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, undertakes not to disclose it if the article is rejected.

Manuscripts in the process of revision/evaluation will not be used in any way and under any circumstances by any agent involved in the process, until, if applicable, it is published.

Manuscripts rejected for publication will be archived in the Manuscript History of Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, and under no circumstances will they be used by any member of the publication.

Names, e-mail addresses and other proprietary data entered in Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal, will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.


 Plagiarism and auto-plagiarism Policy

Authors will respect and acknowledge the sources of data, figures and information extraction in an explicit and tangible manner. If the non-compliance is detected in the first phase of evaluation, the submission will be automatically rejected, and therefore will not pass to the peer review phase. If they are detected after publication, the corresponding retraction note will be issued.

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal submits all manuscripts received to plagiarism and self-plagiarism software, recognizing non-original documents and indicating the source of origin.

The Editorial Team has the following anti-plagiarism tools:


 Open Access Policy

Política de Tasas (APC)

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is presented as an Open Access publication, disseminating its content in a free and open way, promoting a greater exchange of global knowledge. Likewise, it does not apply article processing charges (APCs), being free of charges for the authors, not applying embargoes to the works, nor fees and registration obligations for subscribers of the journal.


Copyright © and CC BY-NC-ND

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Review, retains the copyright of the published works, and favours and allows the reuse of the same under the licence of use indicated in this section.

The works are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Spain (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence: they may be copied, used, broadcast, transmitted and publicly displayed, provided that:

- Authorship and original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) should be cited.

- Do not use it for commercial purposes.

- Mention is made of the existence and specifications of this licence for use.




Archiving Policy

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal is hosted on the Open Journal Systems platform of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. In order to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal, FECYT performs an automatic backup every 24 hours, archiving and preserving the contents, thus preserving them from any eventuality. If the content of any journal hosted in the system is damaged, lost or corrupted, FECYT restores the last backup copy made.

It also uses different repositories, both national and international, where the publication is hosted: Scopus, Ebsco or Dialnet.

Interoperability policy

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal use protocol OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Protocol Version 2.0, that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content. The route for collectors is: https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/pixel/oai

Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal uses the OJS 3 system where the following modules are activated:

- Dublin Core 1.1 meta-data : Contributes Dublin Core version 1.1 schemas and application adapters. 

- MODS 3.4 meta-data : Contributes MODS 3.4 schemas and application adapters.

- OpenURL 1.0 meta-data : Contributes OpenURL 1.0 schemas and application adapters.