Pixel-Bit. Media & Education Journal makes available to the authors, and in favor of the editorial transparency of this team, all the necessary information to adapt the quality of the manuscripts submitted to our journal.
To ensure maximum objectivity and consistency in the evaluation process, the peer review system (third party in case of discrepancy) will be followed in the double-blind mode. To this end, the manuscript should not present any element that contributes to the identification of the authors.
The evaluation will be based solely on the intellectual quality, scientific and academic relevance of the manuscripts.
The privileged information obtained in the review and evaluation process will not be used for any personal purpose, and will be kept confidential.
The reviewers, considered experts in their field, and in whom the trust is placed for the evaluation of a manuscript, will act under the criteria of impartiality, objectivity, promptness, confidentiality, respect and acknowledgement of uncited sources. They should work in solidarity with the editorial line drawn and declare possible conflicts of interest.
During the peer review process, reviewers should evaluate the manuscript according to the following criteria: