New delimitation of groundwater bodies in the Miño-Sil River Basin District


  • Monica Melédez Asensio C/ Matemático Pedrayes, 25, Oviedo
  • Jesús del Pozo Tejado C/ Julián Camarillo, 68, Madrid.
  • Itziar Vadillo Santos C/ Progreso, 6, Ourense
  • Carlos Ruiz del Portal Florido C/ Curros Enríquez, 4, Ourense.



Miño-Sil demarcation, delimitation criteria, groundwater body, hydrological planning, Hydrogeology


In the third planning cycle (2022-2027), the river basin management plans of some river basin districts introduce important advances. This is the case of the Miño-Sil plan, which includes a new delimitation of groundwater bodies in accordance with the European and Spanish specifications in this regard. This work shows a synthesis of the criteria followed in this process, necessarily adapted to the geological and hydrogeological singularity of the territory belonging to this demarcation. Thus, without losing sight of the criteria set forth in the current instructions, criteria such as hydrological divisions, the type of porosity and / or permeability and the concentration of significant pressures, among others, have been introduced. As a result, a MASb delimitation is obtained that is more easily adaptable to the hydrological planning process, but which still has some way to go when it comes to adapting the control networks to the new morphology and definition criteria used.


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How to Cite

Melédez Asensio, M., del Pozo Tejado, J., Vadillo Santos, I., & Ruiz del Portal Florido, C. (2022). New delimitation of groundwater bodies in the Miño-Sil River Basin District. GEOGACETA, 71, 51–54.


