Potential field signature (gravity and magnetism) of the Otero de Herreros deposit (Segovia). Comparison with existing data and models


  • Roberto Jiménez Borrego Dpto. Geología, Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Puy Ayarza Arribas Dpto. Geología, Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Yolanda Sánchez Sánchez Dpto. Geología, Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Óscar Fadón Loro SIEMCALSA, Valladolid.




gravity anomaly, polymetalic deposit, magnetic anomaly, Otero de Herreros


Magnetic and gravity data have been acquired at the polymetallic deposit of Cerro de Almadenes (Otero de Herreros, Segovia), using modern equipment and techniques, resulting in new anomaly maps that are compared with existing anomaly maps. The acquisition of this new data provides additional criteria to control the geometry of the mineralized layers, partly constraining their width and depth through forward 2D modeling techniques. The new datasets and models are not influenced by surface magnetic noise or by factors related to data processing, as previous ones. The resulting magnetic anomaly allows to constrain the geometry of the mineralized M-layer while the gravity anomaly indicates the interval where the ore is concentrated. Recent methodological and instrumental advances in potential field data acquisition techniques has enabled us to obtain better data and more constrained anomaly maps, which can be modeled with more detailed techniques.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Borrego, R., Ayarza Arribas, P., Sánchez Sánchez, Y., & Fadón Loro, Óscar. (2022). Potential field signature (gravity and magnetism) of the Otero de Herreros deposit (Segovia). Comparison with existing data and models. GEOGACETA, 71, 31–34. https://doi.org/10.55407/geogaceta99822




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