The first illustrations of Spanish fossils: new remarks about the glossopetrae of Armstrong (1752) and Torrubia (1754)


  • Enrique Bernárdez Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica, S. Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
  • Isabel Rábano Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, (IGME, CSIC), Madrid.



Illustration, fossil, Armstrong, Torrubia, chondrichthyan


The glossopetrae cited and figured in The History of the Island of Minorca, by John Armstrong (1752) and in The Apparatus for Spanish Natural History, by José Torrubia (1754), pioneering works in Spanish paleontological illustration, are figured and analyzed. Both authors clearly attribute them to shark teeth. The taxonomic review identifies the presence of Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus) and C. hastalis (Agassiz) s.l. among the fossils of the Neogene of  Menorca, and of indeterminate lamniforms of the Cretaceous in the work of Torrubia. The attribution of species cited in previous reviews, in the first case, is also rejected, and a probable Cretaceous origin of the material from the Iberian Cordillera is discussed, which includes a possible decapod cheliped between the teeth.


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How to Cite

Bernárdez, E., & Rábano, I. (2022). The first illustrations of Spanish fossils: new remarks about the glossopetrae of Armstrong (1752) and Torrubia (1754). GEOGACETA, 71, 7–10.


