An unpublished geological map of Ceuta by Máximo Laguna and Luis Satorras (1861)


  • Ester Boixereu Vila Área de Investigación en Recursos Minerales. IGME, Madrid
  • Alejandro Robador Moreno Área de Geología, Geomorfología y Cartografía Geológica. IGME, Madrid



Ceuta, Rif range, history of geology, geological map, Máximo Laguna


The library of the Ministry of Defense keeps of a handwritten map entitled “Geological sketch of Montes de Sierra Bullones at scale 1: 20,000”, signed by the forestry engineers Máximo Laguna and Luis Satorras, in 1861. This map had remained unpublished until now, and therefore hidden for geological historiography. The authors were two Spanish forest engineers who had traveled to Ceuta in July 1860 to recognize the territory recently annexed to Spain after the African War (1859-1860). The results were presented in a report and a geological map and a vegetation map were also created. Years later, in 1877, the memory was published, without including the geological map. Four different lithological units are distinguished on the map, and the main geological features of the territory are traced with remarkable success. This work aims to present to the scientific community this unpublished geological map, which is 56 years ahead of that of Dupuy de Lôme and Javier Milans del Bosch in 1917, which until now was considered the first geological map of Ceuta.


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How to Cite

Boixereu Vila, E., & Robador Moreno, A. (2021). An unpublished geological map of Ceuta by Máximo Laguna and Luis Satorras (1861). GEOGACETA, 69, 71–74.


