Anticlinal de Boltaña (Foto Anchel Belmonte Ribas)

About the Journal

GEOGACETA is a biannual journal of the Geological Society of Spain. This journal publishes short, original and unpublished articles on any aspect of Earth Sciences, particularly Geology. The articles published in GEOGACETA are characterized by showing the latest scientific advances in Earth Sciences, presenting original data corresponding to field observations, data elaborated, experimental data (obtained in laboratory and field), analogical and mathematical modeling, and all this at different scales of observation.

Articles submitted to GEOGACETA for publication must be previously presented at one of the Scientific Sessions of the Geological Society of Spain (SGE). For this reason, the journal is especially designed for researchers who deal with topics related to the Earth Sciences, who are members or who can collaborate with members of the Geological Society of Spain, and who deal with topics of general interest to researchers and professionals, or potential readers interested in Geology or the Earth Sciences.

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77th Scientific Session

The next SGE Scientific Session will be held on November 29, 2024, in Boltaña (Huesca).

Manuscripts of papers to be presented at the 77th Scientific Session, in Boltaña, can be submitted until July 15, 2024.

More information about the Scientic Sessions

Current Issue

Vol. 75 (2024): January-June
Topografía del detal del cráter Gusev (Marte)

Papers presented at the LXXV Scientific Session of the SGE in Zaragoza, on November 24, 2023.

Cover image: Topography of the Gusev crater delta (Mars). Landing site of the NASA MER-A (Mars Exploration Rover) mission with the Spirit rover.
Author: Ronny S. Anangonó-Tutasig (University of Oviedo).

Published: 2024-06-29


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