How to accompany inclusion? Elements of protection and good practices in socio-labour insertion programmes
social inclusion, social and labour insertion, support, best practices, digital gapAbstract
Labour insertion is an area of socio-educational intervention that can contribute to the social inclusion of different individuals and groups. Based on a literature review on protective elements in socio-occupational integration processes, and taking into account especially the situation experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic in the years 2020-2022, in this study we have identified, through 109 questionnaires and 21 group interviews with socio-educational agents, which of these elements are present in integration projects currently being developed in 4 Latin American countries, and we have explored how they define ‘good practices’ in this area and what effective actions exist. The results, explained by country (Brazil, Spain, Colombia and Mexico), indicate that three types of protection elements are considered in the different socio-educational projects: development of personal and professional competences; support from the family and social context; and institutional elements related to socio-occupational intermediation and social support interventions. In relation to good practices, the technical agents working in insertion projects associate this term with methodological characteristics of their intervention (accompaniment, empathy, personalisation) and/ or with the achievement of results (quality of life, empowerment, employability). They identify new challenges that have arisen during the pandemic, such as digital literacy or mental health, and illustrate with some examples of successful practices they are developing. The article ends with a mention of the socio-educational approach in socio-labour insertion programmes and the presentation of two proposals for further study.
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