Connections between social entrepreneurship and socio-cultural animation. Empowering from 'The Common' field in the face of neoliberal logic.
Social entrepreneurship, sociocultural animation, empowerment, community development, neoliberalismAbstract
Studies analysing entrepreneurship have flourished as a key strategy for socioeconomic growth and job creation. A good part of them are approached from a capitalist perspective of entrepreneurship in which citizens are ‘invited’ to become autonomous, courageous, innovative, active, productive and so on; i.e. to become ‘entrepreneurs of themselves’. There are fewer studies that focus on social entrepreneurship and which do so from a critical educational perspective. In fact, after reviewing the literature, no studies have been identified that connect the practice of social entrepreneurship with the praxis of sociocultural animation. This paper develops a content analysis of texts dealing, on the one hand, with social entrepreneurship and, on the other hand, with sociocultural animation. It has been observed that these two concepts share characteristic features, principles and fundamental values. As a result, social entrepreneurship is perceived from an alternative worldview, which has a stronger connection with ‘sociocultural animation’, as both focus on the public interest. We conclude that social entrepreneurship fosters the values of a collaborative, associative and solidarity-based praxis which defends community development and the construction of ‘The Common’. Finally, some guidelines for action from social education are proposed in order to encourage entrepreneurship as a collaborative and social practice. Some future lines of work in this direction are also suggested.
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