Attitudes of parents and children towards shared family leisure
Leisure, family, youth, son, parents, perceptionAbstract
The family institution is a very important agent in the construction of its mem¬bers’ entertainment, given its potential to make shared time become educational and val¬uable. It has been shown that shared family activities, including leisure, provide significant benefits to those who practice it, which leads us to link personal and social growth, as well as family welfare, with the time shared in the family. This study aims to analyze the attitude and predisposition of Spanish students and their parents to family conciliation and shared family leisure, considering variables such as the participation of each of its members in family activ¬ities, satisfaction about sharing free time, the amount of time they spend with the family, and the degree of perceived pressure to spend more time together. A quantitative methodologi¬cal approach was carried out through the application of the Spanish adaptation of the FACES IV questionnaire to a sample from Spain of 1764 students and 839 parents. This instrument gathers information about cohesion and flexibility perceived within the family. The results show that most Spanish students of post-compulsory secondary education and their parents perceive that all the family members participate in family activities, showing a high degree of satisfaction with shared leisure, which reveals a positive family atmosphere and very favorable attitudes of parents and children toward the practice of leisure activities within the family.Downloads
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