The Education in Latin America: Limits and Possibilities of Social Participation and Employment of the Youth. Beyond the Panacea and Skepticism
educational transformations, youth, social participation, workplace inclusion, Latin AmericaAbstract
The challenge for education as a sustainable and democratic mechanism of social inclusion represents in fact a central axiom in the full development program. The new educational policies implemented in Latin America over the last 15 years were conceived under the influence of the Neoliberalism ideological model and pursue the modernization of the systemic structure, advocating coordination congruent with and contextualized by the demands of the labor market, training trajectories and social demands. This article will analyze how the process of reform influenced the transformation of educational realities, what new opportunities have been created around the most effective organization of the transitions of youth produced from the training centers to the labor market and adult life, and what importance cultural diversity and pluralization of socioeconomic conditions have for the projection of educational policy goals. To move forward in recognizing the demands, interests and limitations experienced by Latin American youth will be decisive in defining a relevant and effective educational policy agenda capable of strengthening the routes to inclusion and social participation.Downloads
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