The participation of highschool students
Student participation, high school students, citizenship, educational methodsAbstract
The educational institution, as a privileged place for building citizenship, needs to promote democratic spaces and processes. That means offering the opportunity to all members of the institution to learn together what it means to participate and be part of the center. In this sense, although there are many studies on participation in the school environment, few emphasize the role played by students as an essential part of this community. In order to delve deeper into the models underlying student participation processes, this article analyzes how students in compulsory secondary education perceive educational participation. The aim is to be able to reflect on those pedagogical and organizational strategies that make possible a greater and better educational participation of students. The fieldwork carried out is based on a mixed Type VI exploratory design aimed at students in the first and fourth years of compulsory secondary education in 60 public schools in Castilla-La Mancha. A total of 679 students participated. The survey was complemented by 25 in-depth interviews. The results of the study show the prevalence of a participation model in which adults continue to exercise excessive and exclusive control, and where students continue to play an eminently passive role.
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