About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria (Journal of Research in Social Pedagogy) displays emerging issues in Social Pedagogy and Social Education (both inside and outside academia), social work and social services. It publishes original findings, preferentially those resulting from empirical research based on quantitative and qualitative methodology.
The journal was founded in 1986 and is edited by Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social. Its topics, among others, refer to cultural diversity, community development, socio-educational policies and plans, maladjustment, social integration and exclusion, leisure time, societal and school violence, adult education, gender, training and professionalization.
Each magazine is entirely released in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English.
Peer Review Process
All articles are subject to editorial and ethical review by the Editorial Board (Chief Editor, associate editors and Secretariat), revision which includes, at least, testing for:
- Topics consistent with the editorial line of the magazine
- Originality, newness and interest of the topics addressed
- Formal requirements
- Acceptance of conditions for publication
- Lack of conflicts of interests and compliance of copyright law and ethical standards of the magazine
When favorable, the articles will be assessed by external reviewers using the "double-blind system" by "referees". For positive assessment of each manuscript, supportive reports from two different experts will be mandatory. In case of discrepancy, the Director may request a review of a third evaluator.
The evaluators are external to the publisher and the Editorial Board. For the review of certain items go to methodological revisions.
Once the external evaluation is completed, the Editorial Board will decide whether to publish the article, on the basis of recommendations from reviewers in any of the following cases:
- Refuse publication of the article
- Allow publication only after suggested observations are included
- Allow publication
The final decision about publication will be exclusively communicated in writing to the author or authors.
The authors are able to suggest names of possible reviewers.
For greater transparency, our assessment protocol can be downloaded in this link.
The process flowchart is:
Open Access Policy
Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria is a free publication. Each issue and its contents are distributed under the CreativeCommons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España license, which allows the user to copy, use, divulge, convey and publicly explain its contents, appropriately quoted and used for teaching or study and not for a commercial purpose. In this way, PSRI has a clear commitment to Open Access Policies (OAI) in line with the principles of free access and exchange of knowledge, promoted in Open Access Declarations of Budapest, Bethesda, Berlin, etc.
Indexed in SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, In-RECS, FRANCIS, ERIH, DOAJ, ESCI ( (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and Journal Citation Reports.
The published articles publicados are deposited in Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/communities/psri/records?q=&l=list&p=1&s=10&sort=newest
Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria uses the protocol OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Protocol Version 2.0, which allows other portals and services information can access the metadata of the contents published. The route for the collectors is: https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/PSRI/oai
Anyway, the journal does not apply any charge or fee to the authors for the submission and article publication
The hournal makes use of digital object identifiers (DOI) in all its articles
ISSN 1989-9742