Educación en Derechos Humanos: formación ética-cívica de los educadores sociales como medio para prevenir el ciberbullying
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derechos humanos, tecnología educativa, métodos, educación en valores, alfabetización tecnológicaResumen
Internet has created a space of exchange of communication and education that has opened the doors for multitude of opportunities in all the facets of the life for any person. Nevertheless, in this work a new form of harassment is analyzed between minors that it is emerging thanks to the possibilities that Internet opens the aggressors: the ciberbullying. The aim is to detect the important aspects on the ciberbullying that they could be an object of an intervention partner educational to propose a plan of ethical - civic formation of the social educators. We analyze the ciberbullying across one systematic review of the literature analyz¬ing the key aspects inside the investigations carried out on this topic: age, level educational and kind, technological tools, motives and reasons, strategies of defense and consequences for the victim and the aggressor.Later we develop a plan of ethical - civic formation for the social educators as relevant agents for the prevention and the elimination of the ciberbullying having in it counts the following types of formation: formation of the autoesteem, empathy and in the individual and social beginning of the human rights, formation in social skills and resolution of conflicts, to educate in not violence, formation in violence of kind, to educate in equality, formation in ethical-virtual literacy and formation in the individual and penal re¬sponsibility. This type of ethical-civic formation of the social educators is necessary in order that they could intervene with children and teenagers for the prevention of the ciberbullying and also for the prevention of the violation of the human rights in different social contexts.
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