Transitive landscapes: an approach to contemporary territorial grammar from its expectant vacant spaces in Camp of Tarragona




Peripherial voids, Vacant spaces, Transitive landscape, Terrain Vague, Camp de Tarragona


Stimulated by the disturbing condition of uncertainty and dominant expectation, this research explores and catalogs the empty landscapes of the peri-urban area of Tarragona. To do this, this research starts from a theoretical framework that accounts for the conceptual and epistemological dispersion and reveals the fundamental role that photography plays in the initial discovery and subsequent treatment of these fragments of terra ignota. With the aim of characterizing these vacant spaces, the second block of this article proposes the systematized (re)collection of images from terrain vagues and the construction of an atlas of the void based on the method of visual-relational analysis applied by the art historian Aby Warburg. Lastly, a series of specific categories suggest, as results, new disciplinary approaches to the value and potential of these transitive landscapes.


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How to Cite

Sole-Gras, J. M., & Sola-Morales, P. (2023). Transitive landscapes: an approach to contemporary territorial grammar from its expectant vacant spaces in Camp of Tarragona. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 55(216), 331–348.