Emerging technologies in STEM education. A bibliometric analysis of publications in Scopus & WoS (2010-2020)
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INTRODUCTION. This article presents a review of the indexed literature in Scopus and Web of Science-Clarivate databases based on the analysis of bibliometric indicators on the use of Emerging Technologies in Education, considering those included in the Horizon Report: K-12 Edition; a) Makerspaces, b) Robotics, c) Analytic Technologies, d) Virtual Reality, e) Artificial Intelligence and f) The Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, they are considered as variable to be used in teaching of Science Education and STEM/STEAM Education in Secondary Education context. METHOD. The revision is developed by using the flow for bibliometric studies proposed by Zupic and Čater (2015). A search was carried out in Scopus and WoS based on an equation that gathers key terms of the three described variables of analysis. RESULTS. The main results obtained indicate that there is a notorious increase in scientific production on the topic, especially from 2017 onwards. In addition, a predominance of Immersive Technologies and Educational Robotics as the preferred technologies for the development of science education is observed. DISCUSSION. There is a predominance of science education in particular over STEM and STEAM approaches, however, a positive trend is observed related to the last two in the late part of the decade analyzed. On the other hand, it is observed that from 2018 onwards, the scientific production regarding the use of emerging technologies has had an accelerated growth, with Virtual Reality and Robotics being the most used.
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