Types of parental mediation in regards to the use of ICT and their relationship with cybervictimization of Primary Education School pupils

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Leticia López Castro
Diana Priegue
Mónica López-Ratón


INTRODUCTION. Families constantly assume new educational challenges derived from the need to educate minors in the increasingly widespread use of technologies. The family educational strategies that regulate it are known as parental mediation. There are four types of parental mediation based on the use of regulation-control and communication-support strategies: a) negligent parental mediation (low degree of regulation-control and communicationsupport), b) permissive-indulgent parental mediation (low degree of regulation-control, but high communication-support), c) restrictive-authoritarian parental mediation (high degree of regulation-control, but low communication-support), and d) democratic parental mediation (high degree of regulation-control and communication-support). The main objective of the study is to discover if there is any type of statistically significant relationship between these types of parental mediations based on the use of regulation-control and communication support strategies and the cybervictimization of students in 5th or 6th grade of Primary Education School pupils. METHOD. A sample of 1,169 families from 26 Primary Education Schools in Galicia (Spain) was surveyed through a self-administered questionnaire that measures both parental mediation based on the use of regulation-control and communicationsupport strategies in eight habitual situations of use of technologies by minors, as well as cybervictimization of pupils. The analyses carried out with the SPSS Statistics program were based on the non-parametric Chi-square (χ²) association test and the Spearman correlation coefficient to determine both the direction and the degree of the associations. RESULTS. The results obtained allowed us to identify a statistically significant relationship between the type of parental mediation and cybervictimization, obtaining lower cybervictimization frequencies when we refer to the type of democratic parental mediation but higher for negligent, permissiveindulgent and restrictive-authoritarian mediation. DISCUSSION. The implications for educational intervention are discussed, concluding that cyberbullying prevention programs should include parental mediation strategies that enhance communication and intra-family support.


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How to Cite
López Castro, L., Priegue, D., & López-Ratón, M. (2021). Types of parental mediation in regards to the use of ICT and their relationship with cybervictimization of Primary Education School pupils. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 73(2), 97–111. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2021.84336
Author Biographies

Leticia López Castro, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, licenciada como Psicopedagoga y diplomada como Maestra, especialidad en Educación Infantil, por la misma universidad. Llevó a cabo su tesis doctoral sobre el acoso escolar en educación primaria. Ha formado parte del equipo investigador y/o docente de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, la Universidad Camilo José Cela y la Universidad Nebrija, asimismo ha colaborado con la Goldsmiths, University of London donde ha realizado diversas estancias de investigación.

Diana Priegue, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)

Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) y profesora contratada doctora en dicha universidad. Llevó a cabo su tesis doctoral sobre la familia, la educación y la inmigración, desarrollando un programa de intervención pedagógica. Es miembro del grupo de investigación ESCULCA, Grupo de Referencia Competitiva de la USC. Cuenta con numerosas publicaciones, contribuciones a congresos tanto de ámbito nacional como internacional y ha desarrollado diversas publicaciones de capítulos de libros.

Mónica López-Ratón, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)

Doctora en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, licenciada en Matemáticas con especialidad en Estadística e Investigación Operativa y máster en Bioestadística por la misma universidad. Realizó su tesis doctoral sobre la selección de puntos de corte óptimos en las pruebas diagnósticas. Ha formado parte de grupos de investigación de la Universidad de Santiago y participado en varios proyectos de investigación sobre las Curvas ROC y los Modelos Aditivos Generalizados (GAM) en estudios de asociación, predicción y clasificación, y sus aplicaciones en ámbitos como la medicina y la biología.



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